Intrusive thoughts 😨😨

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Rody stepped out of Vincent's bathroom, his hair wet but still fluffy. He was wearing a shirt and some pants that Vincent let him borrow. He quietly made his way down the hallway and into the living room where Vince was waiting for him. "Vince?" He spoke nervously.
Vincent swiftly turned his head to look at him, his usual cigarette in hand. His eyes widened at the sight of Rody wearing such a tight shirt. Every muscle on his torso seemed to be outlined and extra pronounced, something Vincent had never seen before. He felt himself getting a little warm, but he didn't know it was visible from the outside, nor did he really know what it meant.
Rody crossed his arms over his chest self-consciously as Vincent had been staring at his body for a bit too long. "Uhm, I think it's a bit... tight..."
Vincent swallowed nervously and looked away, taking a self soothing drag from his cigarette. After a moment of silence, he stood up and turned to Rody again.

(Haha, time skip? More like Lemon was too lazy to write out this part! I long for the great release that death will bring)

As Vince settled into bed, facing away from Rody, Rody hesitated a bit. Isn't it weird to sleep next to a guy? Especially when I'm wearing something like this...?
"Something wrong, Rody?" Vincent asked suddenly, still facing away from him.
Rody jumped, his face turning all the more red. "N-no, I just thou-"
"Then sleep."
Rody climbed into bed next to Vincent, facing him.
Rody was a heavy sleeper, so he managed to fall asleep pretty fast. Vincent didn't usually go to sleep this early, so he definitely wasn't planning on sleeping any time soon.
After probably at least an hour, Vincent turned to see if Rody was asleep. He definitely was. Vincent settled, facing him, specifically staring at his chest. His abs definitely looked a lot bigger up close, and it definitely wasn't long before the intrusive thoughts came in. Vince knew he shouldn't give into thoughts like these,but they were just... so tempting... he hesitantly moved a hand closer to him, then paused. Is this bad? Well, no shit it is... He rolled his eyes and gently brushed his thumb along Rody's ab, and after becoming a little more confident, he basically grabbed him. He sighed and pulled his hand away, closing his eyes and going to sleep.

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