Appitizer 🍽🍛

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Rody and Vincent were eating lunch together in silence. They'd gotten over the situation pretty easily. It'd been a while since either of them spoke to each other. Vincent wasn't eating anything, so he was just staring down at the table, deep in thought about eating Rody instead... Rody was thinking about how Vincent looked when he was angry. The way his voice sounded when he growled, the way he looked at him... Rody eventually finished eating and began to rinse his plate off. "S-so..." He spoke without thinking back now.
"What?" Vincent asked once a fair amount of seconds had passed of silence.
"Uhh..." He dried his hands off. "W-why aren't you eating...?"
Vince thought for a small moment, then answered quieter. "I'm thinking. And im also not hungry." Not hungry for anything other than thick, juicy ass of yours...
Rody looked concerned. "But you're already skinny eno—" He shut himself up before he could finish that risky sentence.
"Rody-" Vincent said in disbelief, then stopped. Why did it feel so good to say his name?
Rody quickly sat back down at the table and avoided meeting his eyes, his face flushed. Dammit, that feeling again! Rody panicked.
Vincent sighed and stood up, making his way towards the hallway. "Smoke." He said lazily as he left.
Rody stood up to follow him, then stopped. Remember what happened last time, you idiot?
Vince stopped as well. "You can come, dumbass." He continued walking away, Rody following, beaming with happiness. Could you maybe not be so damn appetizing all the time!?
They walked into the bedroom together, (ehem), and Rody immediately let himself fall onto the bed as Vincent lit a cigarette.
Vincent stood in the same place he always was when he smoked, Rody watching him with admiration. He's so cool! He chuckled quietly to himself.
Vincent shhot a side glance at him, taking a drag from his cigarette. "What's so funny?" What did I say about being appetizing?
Rody blushed, looking away like a shy school girl. "Well... I mean you look cool, standing like that."
That damn smile... Vince looked away again, taking another drag from his cigarette.
Rody eventually stood up and walked over to him, standing at the opposite end of the window, looking out at the view.
Vincent's eyes widened at the sight of Rody's body leaned against the wall. The way his masculine body curved in such a feminine way... What an appetizer.

(Note: even I'M begging for them to fuck already)
(Note²: Ignore the whole self hatey shit in the last chapter/part/section whatever, everyone has those thoughts. It's character development. I think.)

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