sweet dreams 🔞💦

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WARNINGGGGGG!!! NSFW!!! '18+' :33
(I know ur not over 18 years old >:3)

Vincent sighed. Rody was moving around a lot, and it woke him up. He growled and propped himself up, turning to look at him. His eyes widened as he realized just what he was doing with himself under the covers. He let his feelings get the best of him, and he put an arm around Rody's waist. "What the hell do you think you're doing without me?" He narrowed his eyes, Rody staring up at him with wider eyes. He smirked and leaned down to bite his neck. Rody let out a gasp. Vince slid his hand under Rody's shirt, messing with his nipple as he licked and sucked on his neck. Rody whimpered and squirmed under his touch, softly moaning Vincent's name. He shivered, his hard cock straining against his pants. He reached down and grabbed Rody's dick, roughly jerking it up and down. Rody started squirming much more, panting and whimpering louder as Vince started grinding against him.
"Aah~.. oh... Mmh, mmvVincent..~!" Rody gripped the sheets, his hips bucking against Vince's hand. "I-im~.. I'm close~...!" He whined breathlessly, letting out one last shaky moan as he spilled his cum onto the sheets.
Vincent bit his lip and got on top of him, pinning him to the bed with his body and frantically unbuttoning his pants. Rody squirmed under him, still whining and panting feom pleasure. "V-Vince, what are you doing...?" He looked up at him innocently. "Y-You're not gonna hurt me, are you..? You're not gonna ruthlessly strip my virginity from me, are you?" He asked.
Vincent opened his eyes. He was lying in bed, Rody asleep beside him. His face scrunched up in frustration. There was no denying he had a crush on Rody now. I can't believe i had a dream like that... He lifted up the covers, revealing his unmistakable hard-on. You've gotta be fucking kidding me... sighed and laid back down, not knowing what to do in this situation. He checked the time. It was only a little past midnight. He still had a lot more of the night to go. He rolled on his side and closed his eyes, ignoring the pain under the sheets.
Because sleep didn't come, he started imagining scenarios of him and Rody. He went on and on in his mind, imagining if the dream had continued. Once he got bored with that, he started getting creative with his imagination, imagining them fucking in every position.

(Had fun with this one Yayyy)
*Horny gremlin giggle*

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