Again 💋💦

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Vincent watched as Rody simply did his job, specifically eyeing his chest or ass when he was facing the other way. He was leaned against the wall, arms crossed, adjacent to the kitchen doors. It had been a few days since they last had sex, and Rody had already moved back to his apartment. Vince clenched his fists in anger and frustration. This little piece of shit. Who the hell does he think he is, having sex once and then fucking leaving!? He groaned and stepped through the kitchen doors, entering his office and waiting for Rody's shift to end.
Not too long later, Vince left his office to talk to him. Rody was watching a man leave, standing in front of a table with dirty dishes and a bottle of wine on it. Rody turned to look at Vincent, looking ashamed. The restaurant was empty. It was the end of Rody's shift, finally. Vince walked over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him closer. He roughly kissed him, angrily gripping the larger man's uniform.
Rody reluctantly kissed back, wrapping his arms around him as well. As their tongues explored each other's mouthes, Vincent began grinding against him, trying to show him how much he missed him.
Rody shoved him away, panting and blushing. Vince pulled him back and bit into his neck, making him yelp. "V-Vince, what are you doing?" He asked quietly, feeling confused and afraid.
Vincent ignored him, littering his neck with hickeys and continuing to rub against him. Rody ripped him away with wide eyes. "Vince, the fuck are you doing!?"
He groaned, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "Sleep with me again!" He ordered, even though he was practically begging.
"What!?" Rody pushed him away. "Why? I'm still sore from last time!"
Vincent pulled him closer and forced his tongue into Rody's mouth viciously and desperately grabbing at the back of his shirt. "Please," He whined as he paused for air.
Rody whimpered quietly, feeling like he couldn't say no. "Seriously?" He pulled away again. "What's so fun about... y'know, doin' it with me?"
Ignoring him, Vince pulled him in once again, only to be mercilessly slapped across the face.
"Enough!" Rody protested, shoving him away for the last time. His eyes widened at the sight of Vincent anger boiling over and showing in his eyes.
"How fucking dare you?" He growled, his fists clenching at his sides.

(I dont have any energy to finish this story anymore... hey, go read my other story, it's more dirty than this one HEHEH)
(Oh and It's called tooth and claw)

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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