Good Boy 🔞❤️

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Vincent viciously pounded into Rody, stripping away his innocence and virginity with each brutal thrust. "Mmgh, such a good boy...~" He growled breathily.
Rody moaned loudly, feeling himself bounce every half a second. He desperately clawed at the pillow. "Aahh~! Oh, oh Vince~!"
Vince growled and started fucking him harder, giving him no time to adjust, making Rody scream and arch his back off the bed.
"AAAHH~!!" Rody cried, tears of pain streaming down his face. "Mmh, mmhh V-Vincent~!"
With one last final thrust, he let out a loud, shuddering moan and came inside him.
Rody panted, eyes wide from what he'd just experienced. "A-are we finally done...?"
"What!?" Vince looked down at him in disbelief. "We literally just started! Don't tell me you've had enough!"
Rody started panicking again. "Huh!? B-but it doesn't feel good!"
"Pussy!" Vince insulted him, leaning forward as he did. "You don't get to have a say in this conversation. You're the bottom, dammit!" Vince grabbed the bottom of his thighs once again and shoved them upwards, pulling out of him and watching his cum spill out of his stretched hole, biting his lip with a smirk.
Rody whimpered and looked away. "This isn't fair..." He mumbled under his breath.
Vince suddenly wrapped his arms around him, pulling him on top and laying in his spot.
Rody looked at him, turmoil showing in his eyes. "W-what am I supposed to do...?"
Vince reached down and grabbed his dick, holding it up. "Put it in yourself, dumbass."
Rody whined and looked away again. "Why...?"
"Because I said so!" Vince insisted. "Now, do what daddy tells you!"
Rody flinched and whined, lowering himself onto the other's dick. He let out a loud whimper once the tip entered him. He bit his lip and winced, then dropped himself all the way down. He yelped and gripped the sheets again, reaching up with one hand to wipe his tears away.
Vincent smirked. "Now start going up and down..." He ordered.
Rody reluctantly obeyed, bouncing on his cock with a moan for each movement.
Vince bit his lip, watching him intensely. "Fuck~, oh yeah, such a good boy~.." He panted. "Now, jerk yourself off at the same time."
Rody did as he was told without a protest, grabbing his dick and stroking it up and down in sync with his movements. "O-Oh, oh yes~!" He yelped, moving his body faster.
Vincent grinned. Each time Rody came down on him, he could see his stomach bulging around where his dick was inside him.

(Hi peace)
(Peace=worm friend)
(Stupid worm)

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