Part 27

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( If you want to experience Jungkook's sorrow then you can listen to "Train Wreck" ( slowed+reverb ) by James Arthur)

Nurse: "I'm so sorry, but... She passed away earlier today."

(Jungkook felt as though the world had come crashing down around him. He staggered back, his mind unable to comprehend the enormity of what he had just heard)

Jungkook: "No."

(he whispered, shaking his head in disbelief)

Jungkook: "That can't be true. There must be a mistake."


(Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to process the devastating news. The reality of Nehal's death hit me like a tidal wave, overwhelming me with a profound sense of loss and emptiness. I felt as though a part of me had been torn away, leaving behind a gaping void that nothing could fill)

Jungkook: "No, No, this can't be happening!"

( His voice erupted, echoing down the sterile hallways. Anguish surged through him, raw and consuming. His fists clenched, his whole body trembling with disbelief and grief)

Jungkook: "She couldn't leave me like that. Nehal can't leave me like that. This is all nonsense, tell me where she is?"

Nurse: "It's true."

(The nurse looked on with empathy, her eyes filled with sorrow for the young man)

Jungkook: "No this isn't true, this isn't true. Tell me this is all a lie."

(Jungkook's knees buckled beneath him as the weight of grief became too much to bear. He sank to the cold hospital floor, his body trembling with sobs that seemed to emanate from the depths of his soul. Tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked. Each breath was a struggle, his chest heaving with the pain of loss. Memories of Nehal flooded his mind her laughter, her warmth, the moments they had shared together. Now, she was gone, and the reality of her absence tore at his heart. He clutched at his chest, as if trying to physically hold onto the pieces of his shattered world. In that moment of profound despair, all Jungkook could do was surrender to the anguish, allowing himself to grieve openly and fully. Surrounded by the indifferent hum of hospital machinery and distant footsteps, Jungkook cried out his sorrow. His voice cracked with emotion, a lament for the love he had loved so dearly and lost too soon. Each sob was a testament to the depth of his bond with Nehal, now forever severed by the cruel hand of fate)


(The hospital staff and other visitors were deeply moved by Jungkook's inconsolable grief. They gathered around him with a shared sense of empathy. Some placed gentle hands on his shoulders, offering silent support, while others murmured words of comfort and prayers under their breath. Despite their efforts, Jungkook's tears continued to flow unabated. His sorrow was so profound, so overwhelming, that it seemed to defy any attempts at solace. Each attempt to console him was met with a deeper wave of grief, as if the reality of Nehal's absence only intensified in the presence of others. His cries echoed through the hospital corridors. The people around him shared in his sorrow, their own hearts heavy with sympathy)

Nurse: "Please try to calm yourself. Look at your condition and your palms are bleeding, come let me treat them."

(Jungkook rose slowly from the ground, his legs feeling heavy and weak beneath him. His eyes were still swollen from crying. With each step, he moved as if in a daze, navigating through the hospital corridors that now seemed like an endless maze of sterile walls and distant echoes. The people around him watched in silence. Some offered tentative words of encouragement, but Jungkook moved past them without a response. Outside, the cool breeze brushed against his tear stained cheeks. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself against the weight of sorrow that threatened to overwhelm him. As he reached the hospital entrance, Jungkook paused for a moment, his gaze lingering on the building behind him. It held the last traces of Nehal's presence, the place where her journey had ended. With a heavy heart, he turned away, unsure of where to go or what to do next)

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