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Autumn and Winter always spent their lunch together. Whether in the staff room, going out, or just having a picnic in their car it was their way to escape their hectic days and check in with each other, even just for a short while. Even on stressful days when they didn't want to talk, they found comfort in just being together. This was both of their favorite times of the day.

That's one of the reasons that Winter was always the last choice to cover the sister nursery. Whenever Marjorie even tried to mention his name as an option, Autumn would give her such an intense glare she wouldn't even finish the sentence. But today there was no way around it. Even managers were covering the rooms, meaning she wouldn't even be able to sneak a long lunch today to be with Winter over there. Autumn told Marjorie she would have to drive Winter over there since they always drove in together.

Ever since they found out about the baby, Autumn had grown more attached to Winter. And he would never complain about that. They spent more lunches in the car, as she still didn't want anyone else to know how affectionate she could be and was not yet ready to tell them the cause behind her sudden change. They'd only known themselves for a few days.

"It's alright my darling. We can always have lunch over the phone." Winter comforted his love on the drive down the road. "I'll text you which break I'm on."

That was going to have to be enough for Autumn today. She gave Winter a kiss as he got out of the car. He checked in with Reece when he got there to see what room he would be in and set to work. Before putting his phone away he let Autumn know he had the late lunch break.

He had barely set foot in the staff room when his phone rang. Autumn was right on time, as always.

"Hello, my love." He answered.

"My sweet, I miss you."

"Only a few short hours until we are back together again, my darling."

As the conversation continued, Winter noticed a new face in the staff room, fixing a shelf and sneaking very unsubtle glances his way.

"I'll see you later my love," as Winter hung up the phone the young man approached him and asked if he could sit. He introduced himself as Eric, the nursery's new handyman.

"Was that your girlfriend or something?"


"So you can pull women?"

Winter did not appreciate the tone in his voice implying that this was a shock but he couldn't blame him either. He was not exactly sure how he'd been lucky enough to "pull" Autumn either.

"Well...I pulled a woman. The woman actually."

Eric was looking for advice on how to talk to a woman he liked in the nursery. Winter could tell by the way he talked about the object of his affection that she was not into him. He said it was like she was staring into your soul, she had never talked to him despite his best efforts, and that she had never even smiled at him before. The more he went on, the more the woman started to sound familiar.

"An employee who isn't here very often, stares into your soul, doesn't smile and threatens you?"

Eric didn't seem to pick up the harsh edge on Winter's question as he responded, "Doesn't she sound perfect?"

"She does."

"One tiny thing: she does have a boyfriend but I don't think they are happy together."


The jealousy Winter was feeling was not new to him. In his past relationship his girlfriend was not shy about telling him all about the attention she would get when she was out. She wanted him to be jealous. To know that at the drop of a hat she could walk away and be with anyone she wanted, often pointing out that Winter probably didn't have that same luxury.

He almost lost his head with Eric. He wanted to scream at him that Autumn was the one on the phone and that she was more than happy together. So much so that she was having his child. But he quickly realized the boy was not with his anger. He didn't have to prove anything to anyone. He knew that his relationship was not in danger. Autumn had never once made him feel insecure the way his last girlfriend used to and she absolutely wouldn't start doing so using a seventeen year old.

But Winter wasn't going to let him off too easily. It was more than clear Autumn was rejecting Eric's advances and he still planned on going after her. He needed to learn the hard way that this was not the way to approach women.

"I reckon she'd love it if you were really jolly around her." Winter began to list all the things he knew his darling would hate from anyone but him. Ending with the worst of all, giving her a hug. He sent the boy on his way hoping he would be around to see this all play out.

He gave Reece a heads up of what he had done, just in case he had to be the one to deal with the aftermath. Reece wasn't surprised that Eric had made these comments as he'd come to him asking about Autumn as well.

Winter would get his wish at the end of the day when he saw Autumn approaching the nursery. She had texted him that she was finished early and would wait for him in Reece's office as he closed up the room. As quickly as she got out of her car, Eric came skipping out the front door. Winter opened the window so he could hear what was happening and called Reece in to watch with him. He couldn't help but laugh as he could tell that the boy had taken him seriously and was "singing" at her. Now, Autumn loved it when Winter sang to her and she loved all kinds of music...but Eric rapping at her was not something she would ever enjoy:

"I'm vanilla, baby, I'll choke you, but I ain't no killer, baby (I don't like no whips and chains)

She 28, telling me I'm still a baby (and you can't tie me down)"

Reece had joined at this point and the two men laughed together as they watched Autumn stare at him blankly as he continued.

"Young J-A-C-K, AKA Rico, like Suave, Young Enrique

Speaking of AKA, she's a alpha

But not around your boy, she get quiet 'round your boy, hold on (shh)"

Autumn rolled her eyes so forcefully it could be seen all the way from the room and she tried to walk around Eric. And then he did it. He truly took his life into his own hands as he wrapped his arms around her. Winter and Reece watched as she grabbed one of his arms and quickly twisted it behind his back forcing the kid to the ground. It was at this point she caught sight of her boyfriend and her brother watching, laughing through the window. Winter saw her looking and quickly finished locking up and headed outside.

As he walked out the door, Winter saw Autumn finally let the boy out of her grasp. He walked right up to them and gave her a huge kiss. The couple hardly ever showed affection like that in public but given their early conversation, Winter wanted Eric to know that Autumn was his and he was hers.

"Ah, Eric. I see you've met my girlfriend."

The look on the boy's face was worth the wrath he would endure when Autumn found out it was Winter who told the boy to hug her.


A/N - I'm quickly catching up with the storylines that have been released, specially considering we don't see tons about Wintumn's relationship in the videos. I do have a couple solid ideas of big moments in the story once I pass Charlotte, but I would love any suggestions for what people want to see. 

I appreciate so much everyone reading this story and taking the time to comment. I started this as a way to get my thoughts out about the series without continuing to spew nonsense at my husband who doesn't watch with me. I hadn't written anything since college and nothing narrative since elementary school so hearing feedback and that you are enjoying what I write has been so nice. Writing these stories is making me so happy. 

So stick with me, things are gonna get sad but I promise these two will have their happy ending. I love them too much to leave them depressed :)

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