Everything is Rosie

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A/N - Thank you so much to all the wonderful people in the discord for all guiding this lost childless lamb through how to write baby content. 

Rose had been home for nearly two weeks and the family had never been happier. She was the perfect addition to their household. Winter and Autumn would spend hours just looking at her, mesmerized by the fact that they had created someone so perfect. Yes, they were sleep deprived and stressed about every decision they made regarding Rose but every time they looked at their daughter everything became worth it. Rose was everything they had ever wanted and they were so happy she was finally home.

Autumn's main focus was on being the best mum that she could be. From the second she found out she was expecting the first time she was determined to be a better parent than she'd ever had. She knew she already had a head start because she had Winter. There was no doubt in her mind that he was going to be an amazing father. Between how great he was with the children at work and how well he had always taken care of Autumn, she knew that their daughter was in amazing hands with him. So she wanted to make sure she could live up to the same standard.

Anytime Rose needed something, Autumn insisted on being the one to do it. She took care of every nappy change and every midnight feed. Anytime Rose was up, Autumn was up. Even when the baby wasn't awake, Autumn would lie awake wondering if she was okay. At least twice a night she would go over to Rose's bassinet just to make sure she was still breathing. Making sure that Rose was safe, healthy, and happy was the only thing that Autumn cared about. Even if that meant losing a little sleep...or a lot of sleep. She knew on a basic level that asking Winter to take over did not make her a bad mother, but she still didn't want to. She wanted to be able to prove to everyone, to herself, that she could do this. That she could be a good mum.

As hard as she tried to hide her exhaustion, she was never able to hide anything from her husband. Winter knew her well enough to see that she was struggling. They'd spent so many nights throughout her pregnancy talking about how she wanted nothing more than to get things right with Rose, so he knew exactly why she was overworking herself. And with his paternity leave coming to an end soon, he knew that this was his last chance to convince Autumn to take the break she so desperately needed. The break that she deserved.

When he saw her nodding off in the lounge he knew this was going to be his best chance to get her to agree. Winter sat next to his wife and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest.

"My love, why don't you head up to bed?"

"I can't, my sweet. Rose is going to wake up soon."

"And I will be right here when she does."

Before Winter could say anything else, Rose began to stir in her cot. Autumn immediately sprung into action as her tiny cries started filling the room. But she just couldn't get her daughter settled. Her eyes began to well with tears as she couldn't think of how to help her baby in her sleep deprived state. When Winter saw how upset she had gotten, he immediately stepped in. As soon as she was in his arms, she started to settle down.

"How did you do that?"

"I guess I just have a way with Knight women."

He shot Autumn a wink as he grabbed her hand to lead her back to the sofa. Winter got situated on the sofa. As he held Rose in one arm and Autumn laid on his chest, Winter moved his free hand to run his fingers through Autumn's hair, gently scratching her scalp. He knew that was the one thing that could always relax her enough to fall asleep, no matter how hard she fought it.

"But what if she needs me?" Autumn was struggling to keep her eyes open as she spoke.

"The two of us will get along just fine for a couple hours. Won't we, bug?"

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