I Always Win

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A/N - SMUT WARNING : I think this is easily the spiciest chapter I have ever written. Like, the whole jar of chili flakes spicy. So fair warning - please do not read if you are uncomfortable with adult situations. Also I did go full board game nerd when I picked the game so...sorry about that :)

Thank you to The Council for reading snippets and to AutumnsW1nter for the chili flake rating system.

It was supposed to be a quiet game night, just the two of them. Winter and Autumn had a stressful day at the nursery and they always played board games to destress after days like that. They knew they wouldn't get many nights like this once the baby arrived so they decided to try to play through as many of their games as they could before then. The plan was to play a couple of the smaller ones in their collection, things that would take them an hour or less.

They made their way through quite a few games, Autumn beating Winter handily in all of them. He couldn't deny the fact that getting his ass kicked in all of these games was driving him crazy. As gorgeous as Autumn was and as much as her body drove him wild, nothing turned him on more than her intelligence. She was so incredibly smart and that was on display more than ever when they played board games. Watching her complete grasp of complex strategy or economics, paying attention to each detail in a turn was more than enough to get Winter going.

He tried to keep his focus on the games and not the feelings rising inside of him. It had been weeks since Autumn had been in the mood, he was sure tonight wouldn't be any different. She'd been sicker lately and hadn't wanted to go any further than cuddling and sharing a few kisses. On top of that she'd become more conscious of the way her body was changing. It was becoming more obvious she was pregnant and the parents had started to comment on it. It got to a point for a while that she didn't even want him to hug her. It broke his heart to see her feeling so bad about herself but he respected her boundaries and just kept telling her that she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

But as she was getting further into her second trimester he noticed she was getting back to herself. She was arguing back at parents who dared say anything about her and barely had to be sick throughout the day anymore. And in direct contrast to the past few weeks, she recently became incredibly clingy. She wanted to be as close to Winter as possible at all times and would cuddle with him each night until she fell asleep. Winter loved every minute of it. He cherished every opportunity he got to hold her, taking any chance he had to make her feel safe and loved.

He had found the from the moment they learned she was pregnant that he had to have a hand on her at all times. It was as if that was the only way he could convince himself that she was safe. Hardly a moment went by that he wasn't holding her hand or putting his arms around her, his hands mindlessly shielding her stomach, or rubbing her lower back hoping to alleviate some of her pain.

So when he saw that familiar glint in her eye as she held out the next game, he quickly moved to sit next to her. He couldn't stand to be so far away from her when she looked at him like that. As he grabbed the box from her, their hands brushed just slightly. The second they touched he felt a jolt run through him, the same jolt he felt the first time their hands grazed each other in the bar. The look in her eyes showed that she had felt it too.

He felt Autumn's hand run up his thigh. It was impossible to ignore the way her fingers danced so delicately above where he wanted her, but would never actually touch. His already failing focus disappeared completely when his eyes finally met hers again. With the slightest raise of her eyebrows she had him in the palm of her hand. It was like a magnet was pulling him in, closer and closer, but just before their lips could meet she placed a hand delicately on his chest, applying just enough pressure to stop him but not to push him away. She tilted her head slightly as she whispered, her lips lightly grazing his with every word, daring him to make a move.

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