The Morning After

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It wasn't until Autumn's alarm went off that they realized just how long they'd stayed up together. Time was irrelevant as they laid in each other's arms, neither one wanted their time together to end. They were afraid that if they dared to fall asleep, they would wake up in a world where this had been a dream. Autumn silenced the alarm and returned to Winter's embrace, surprised that she wanted nothing more than to be close to him.

"Who's idea was it to plan the staff party for a Sunday?" she wondered out loud. 

Autumn should have taken Marjorie more seriously when she suggested them both taking annual leave on the day after. Instead she decided if Marj was going to be out, someone needed to hold down the office. She made her way into the bathroom to see the state or her after the long night. As she flipped on the light she realized just how much the night had affected her. For the first time since she could remember she had a hangover. The lack of sleep wasn't doing much for her either. She made a feeble attempt at freshening up before deciding if she really needed to; she could just work with the office door shut. She wasn't in a state to deal with prying parents anyway.

She returned to the bedroom to see Winter still lying in her bed. The sight was one that she could get used to.

"Must you really go to work today?" Winter's voice startled her slightly. His eyes were closed so she thought he had dozed off.

"Unfortunately so."

"Right, I'll just be a moment then I can get out of your hair. I know you have to leave here shortly."

"Oh, I don't mind if you want to stay here. I know it was a late night, no sense rushing you out of bed." Autumn said flippantly, hoping he would take her up on it.

"That's very kind of you, my love." Thankfully Autumn had turned away from Winter, she was able to hide the blush that spread across her face as he uttered the pet name.

"Of course, my sweet. Stay as long as you'd like." She was still turned away so she did not see a similar blush cross Winter's face.

She walked over to the bed to give him one last, quick kiss before leaving for the day. In the excitement of the night before both of them had removed their glasses downstairs on a side table. Autumn was in a rush to leave so she grabbed a pair and headed out the door.

When Autumn arrived at work she sat at her computer, not quite ready for the day. No amount of coffee could stave off her exhaustion. Thankfully no one bothered her most of the day. Barely anyone even interacted. She did notice some glances as she would walk the halls but they weren't judgemental just more...confused. She had no idea why.

"Morning Autumn." Charlotte said entering the office.

"What." Autumn said really not in the mood for chatting.

"Nothing! Nothing...I was just bringing you last week's register." Charlotte had that same confused look on her face everyone else had when they saw Autumn this morning.

"Just leave it on the desk"

"Okay...Have a bit too much fun at the Halloween party over the weekend?"

"No," the word caught in her throat as she decided how she was going to handle this. "I just...didn't get very much sleep last night."

"Something keep you up...?" Charlotte laughed

"Why are you shouting at me?" Autumn's head was pounding.

"Sorry." Charlotte said turning to leave "Oh by the way Autumn?"

Autumn wordlessly turned to glare at her, hoping that this conversation was almost over.

"You're wearing Winter's glasses this morning."

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