Round Two

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A/N - Ask and you shall receive. SMUT AGAIN  Please keep telling me what you want to see in the comments. I want to give the people what they want :) 

Round twos were not uncommon for Autumn and Winter. They were the couple who could stay at it all night and still be up at 6AM refreshed and ready for the day. They were just so attracted to each other that they'd gladly lose out on sleep to be with each other for even one minute more.

As soon as Winter replied he felt himself being pinned down on the bed. He was immediately turned on by the ease of Autumn overtaking him. He had always been in awe of her strength. She could take on men twice her size and leave them cowering in fear. Her name sent shivers through the spines of even the most difficult parents. Being with a woman that could kill him and make it look like an accident was never something Winter thought he'd find himself attracted to, but something about his life being in her hands was such a turn on.

"My love, I'm yours."

His voice was low. His words dripped with love and desire. Autumn knew exactly what he wanted and she was more than happy to give it to him.

"Yes you are."

She kissed him hard, pressing down on his shoulders more before moving her hands up to his neck. She'd let him have his fun downstairs, but she couldn't hold back any longer. The guard dog wanted to be let off her leash, and Winter wasn't going to be able to stop her. Not that he wanted to, he wanted nothing more than to see her in her element. On top, running the show.

Winter gasped as Autumn tightened her grip on him, causing him to choke slightly. He knew he'd never be in any real danger but the scared feeling he got when he saw the look in her eyes was exciting. Seeing the mixture of fear and lust in his eyes was everything to Autumn.

"You like that, don't you?"

Autumn's voice was deeper than normal, giving her an even more commanding presence as she released and got up off of him. Winter immediately missed the feeling of his love on him and propped himself up on his elbows to watch her. She made her way to the foot of the bed and grabbed the restraints that were always tied to the corner posts of the bed, just in case. She made sure he was tied tightly before grabbing handcuffs and locking his hands in place behind him. Autumn didn't want him completely tied to the bed though, she knew he would want to try to sit up and see what she was about to do to him.

She returned to the foot of the bed and got the last tool she'd need for the evening. A small riding crop. She immediately delivered two firm strikes to Winter's thighs causing him to cry out, screaming her name loud enough that they were sure he'd be heard down the street. She climbed between his legs up to his mouth where she forced the handle between his teeth while using it to push him back into the mattress. She kissed him around the cold metal of the crop before whispering in his ear.

"Now, now my sweet. That was far too quiet. Do I need to work harder?"

He looked up at her with wide eyes and cocked his eyebrows as if daring her to try. She'd make him regret that. She pulled the crop back before swinging it again, connecting with his hip this time. There was much more force behind it this time. He was even louder this time.

"That's a good boy."

She was practically growling out her words. She grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him violently to the side as she buried herself in his neck, kissing and biting down hard. She knew this was his weak point, so she paid extra attention in order to get him focused on nothing but her. His eyes rolled back as she worked, slowly moving down his body toward where she knew he wanted her. She left a trail of dark purple marks along her path. She wanted him to have a reminder of this night, of how he was hers and hers alone. Watching him writhe under her touch was unbelievably sexy.

After teasing around his thighs, kissing him and striking him more she was finally ready to give him what he wanted. She knew it wouldn't take long to get him to the edge. Winter slowly propped himself up on his restrained arms to watch as she took him in her mouth working on herself at the same time to make sure they were at the same place when they came together. She worked along the shaft with ease having gotten used to just how much there was to work with. She knew he was close as that was the only time he'd ever stop watching her, always instinctively throwing his head back due to his intense pleasure.

Once he did, she positioned herself in his lap. She reached around to free his hands so he could sit up and pull her into him, forcing himself deep inside of her. Winter looked up at Autumn intently as they moved together. It was his favorite view, her riding him moving her hands along his chest as she did. He kept one hand on her hips to keep her steady as he moved the other to circle her breasts.

The mood had completely switched. They were no longer as rough, no one was dominating, they were making love. Each one had a hand on the other's heart. They felt the effect that they had on one another through their racing hearts and their heavy breathing. That was all they needed to tip themselves over the edge, embracing harder than ever before as they did and connecting their lips passionately as they rode it out.

Winter slowly lowered himself back to lay down, keeping a tight hold on her as he did. He never wanted to let go when they were done. It was always as if he thought once he did she'd walk away from him, never to return.

Autumn never minded though, her favorite place in the world was his arms. He stroked her hair gently as he spoke to her.

"Darling, you are breathtaking. You did so well tonight, sweet girl."

Winter knew how important reassurance was to Autumn after their sessions. It took her a long time to allow him to touch her again after everything happened. She'd grown incredibly unsure of her body and needed more praise. He was more than happy to give it to her. In his eyes she couldn't be more perfect. He felt lucky that he was allowed anywhere near her and he would give anything for her to realize just how beautiful she was. Everyone else could see it, Winter couldn't count the number of times he'd heard someone say how gorgeous she was or point out that she was a catch. He wished she could see that too.

Autumn fell asleep on Winter's chest that night. This wasn't a usual occurrence but Winter wouldn't have wanted to end his birthday any other way. She really was the best present he had ever received. 

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