The Greatest Gift of All

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A/N SMUT WARNING - There was such a reaction to the present line yesterday I figured it might be time to give this a try again...sorry and enjoy?

Winter had never closed down a bar before. Truthfully he wasn't a big drinker at all, he much preferred to keep his head clear in case Autumn needed him. And when he did drink he would much rather be at home with Autumn in front of the fire than go out. The last time he truly got "drunk" was last Halloween. But the party Autumn had planned for him was so amazing that he decided to let loose for the evening. As the night was winding down he was having such a great time he never wanted the party to end, but then he remembered what was waiting for him when they got home.

After saying goodbye to the last of the guests, Winter found Autumn outside ordering them a cab. Everything about her drove him crazy. That dress, the way her eyes shone in the moonlight, how her hair fell in her face just slightly. She was perfect. There was no one else around and the alcohol was causing him to feel more confident so he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck and causing her to gasp slightly.

"My love, have I told you recently enough how amazing you are?" He whispered in her ear before nibbling it, causing a whimper to fall from Autumn's lips.

"Yes, my sweet, you've said it five times just tonight."

Autumn couldn't help but react to his touch and giggle at his words. Whenever Winter drank he would compliment her more than usual. And he complimented her plenty when he was sober. But he usually wasn't one to make a first move like this, he was usually much more subtle about it. She couldn't say she wasn't into it.

"Well, you are," he spun her around to look her in the eyes. "I mean, have you seen yourself, my love? You're gorgeous, hot, smart, confident, hot, strong, I'm so lucky to have you, Autumn."

He pulled her in close, unable to control himself as he connected their lips. Winter wanted to make sure she knew just how loved and desired she was, not just in this moment but always. If it weren't for the lights of the cab pulling up in front of them, he would have probably taken her in the alley behind them. But as the car approached he broke away from the kiss, making sure to keep hold of her waist until she was stable again.

Autumn had relaxed completely into the kiss. She never knew someone could make her as weak in the knees as Winter did. And especially seeing him take charge like this was a big deal for her. She'd always been the dominant one in every relationship. She had to set the pace and make the decisions. With Winter it was different, they could lean on each other. They were equals in every situation. Tonight, though, would be an exception to that. Autumn was going to let him have whatever he wanted. It was his birthday after all.

"Did I mention you are hot? Because you are, without a doubt, the hottest person to have ever existed."

Autumn scoffed jokingly, rolling her eyes as she helped him safely into the waiting car. The cab ride was the longest twenty minutes of their lives. Even intoxicated, the two were not about to be all over with someone watching. But tension hung in the air, the anticipation of what was to come was hard to ignore. They had an entire conversation with just their eyes. Undressing each other in their minds and studying their partners movements. They didn't have to say a single word to know what was happening that night.

The door was barely closed before Winter swept Autumn off her feet, throwing her over his shoulder with ease. The scream that escaped her only furthered his desire, he couldn't wait to get her upstairs. Instead he diverted them to the couch, placing her down roughly. He took a moment to admire the waiting woman before straddling her. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. He leaned down slightly to whisper in her ear.

"My love, is this alright?"

"Yes. Please. Do your worst. I need you, Winter."

"Mmmmm I love the way you say my name."


He kissed her hard, releasing her arms so he was free to hold her closer. Her arms found their way around him, dragging her nails down his back as she went to strip him. It was much more exciting for him if she was ripping off his clothes than if he'd done it himself. And as much as he loved her in that dress, he much preferred seeing it thrown to the floor.

She kept repeating his name, whispering against his lips and screaming as he moved along her jawline and neck. Autumn knew exactly the effect her words had on him. She could put him on edge with just her words. Winter couldn't wait any longer.

Winter ran his hands down the side of her body as he kissed her all over. He took his time paying attention to her most sensitive areas, his hands tracing over each and every curve. He couldn't get enough of her. Her hips bucked up slightly as her hands reached them, but he quickly grabbed her thighs and forced them back down. He knew exactly how rough he could be without triggering Autumn. He slowly ran his hands up her legs making sure to avoid where she wanted him

Every noise she made told him all he needed to know. He could tell she was ready more than ready for him. He teased her slightly running himself over her, lining himself up as he looked straight into her eyes.

"Who do you belong to?"

He thrust deep into her, giving no warning.


She screamed out his name, her eyes rolling back as she arched up at the feeling of him entering her. What Winter lacked in height he absolutely made up for in the bedroom, much to Autumn's pleasure. He pulled out quickly, causing her to gasp at the feeling before slamming back into her even harder than before. Winter thought her voice and her moans were more beautiful than any music he'd ever heard.

Autumn slowly started to move with him, matching the pace he set for them. It didn't take long for them to reach their climax together. They knew exactly what to do to get the other over the edge. As they rode out their orgasms together Winter lowered himself down to Autumn's lips, giving her soft, passionate kisses offering praise in between them.

"My love, you were spectacular. Thank you. For everything. You're so perfect. I'm not sure what I ever did to deserve you."

She pulled back slightly to be able to look him in the eyes as she responded. She wanted him to know how much she meant every word.

"You deserve the world, Winter. I love you so much."

Winter stood up and scooped Autumn into his arms to take her up to bed. Their lips found each other again in the new position and did not break contact until they reached their room. He laid her gently in the bed before getting in beside her, pulling her close to his chest to settle in for the evening. He kissed her lightly on the head before she looked up at him, pressing their foreheads together.

"Winter?" She asked. He noticed a devious glint in her eye.

"Yes, my love."

"Round two?"

He couldn't agree fast enough. After all, it was his birthday.

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