A/N - Updates for the Coming Week

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First of all thank you so much for all the comments, votes, and reads. I am truly blown away by the amount of support I have been getting on this story. I can't even articulate how grateful I am to have this outlet for my ramblings.

Second I am moving in to tech week for my show and if you've ever done theatre before you can understand that "Hell Week" is a bit of an understatement. I am going to do my best to keep updating throughout the week but it may not be every day. And I will not be doing anything too deep. I know where the story is going but I just want to make sure I have my full brain available to write those chapters. So unless crazy inspiration strikes its gonna be some mindless fluff until at least next Monday. 

That being said please hit me with your ideas of fun little scenarios you'd like to see Wintumn in. Being a first time writer I would love any and all help I can get knowing what is actually interesting lol

Anyway, thank you again for all your support and sticking with me so I can do this story as much justice as Autumn and Winter deserve!

<3 Joey

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