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The last couple months had been incredibly stressful. Autumn's brother came back into her life and it brought up parts of her past that she spent years repressing. She was feeling more alone than she had in months. It was killing Winter to see her like this. She was obviously struggling.

"My love," he asked her on a drive home, "you know you can tell me anything."

He saw a tear fall down Autumn's cheek as she sunk further back into the seat. It was as if she had finally given herself permission to have her feelings, too tired in this moment to divert the conversation. These were feelings she hadn't been let herself share for nearly 20 years. He had never seen Autumn cry and it was breaking his heart. He rested his hand on her knee as he continued to drive home, just to remind her that he was here for her. He wouldn't rush her to talk, but when she was ready he was right there.

By the time the pair made it back to Autumn's house the tears were gone, instead she looked deep in thought. The couple walked hand in hand to the door. Once inside Autumn went to change into some comfier clothes before sitting on the sofa. Winter took a couple minutes ordering in their favorite dinner before joining her as he knew Autumn would not be up to going out tonight.

Finally he heard Autumn say "I'm scared Winter."

"Scared of what my love?"

"Scared that I will drive you away too."

Winter had only learned a little bit of his girlfriend's past before tonight. She didn't like to talk about it, and he wasn't going to make her. He knew that her relationship with her family was strained but he didn't know the extent of the trauma and abuse she had endured. She told him everything. She told him about her mother leaving when she was very young. How she was left with her father and how he used to punish her when she made even the slightest mistake. How she thought for years that her brother had played a cruel prank on her so she shut him out for twenty years, and how just today she learned that it wasn't even him who did it and she lost her best friend over nothing.

"It was all my fault. I couldn't be perfect for everyone and I drove them away. And it will happen again. I've always been told I was nothing but a disappointment, so I know at some point I'll screw this up too. I don't know if I can handle losing you."

She had started crying again and was on the verge of a panic attack as she spoke those last words. Winter wrapped his arms around his sweet girl, pulling her in as close as he could. Her face was buried in his chest. 

He wanted nothing more in that moment to go hunt her father down and make him pay for what he had done. Winter was not a violent person but in this instance his rage was at a boiling point. He wanted Roger to hurt as much as his girl was hurting. How could anyone do such terrible things to anyone, let alone their daughter. But Autumn needed him right now. There would be time for revenge later. 

"Autumn, you're not going to lose me. None of what happened in your past was your fault. And what you've been though could never scare me away. In fact, it's done quite the opposite."

She looked up at him confused.

"My darling, you went through so much and you still grew up to be the most amazing woman I have ever met. One who is fiercely loyal, understanding, and kind to those she knows deserves it and unafraid to let anyone who doesn't deserve it know why. Someone who would go to hell to protect the ones they love. Someone who I love and admire with all my heart."

"Winter, I don't know what I ever did to deserve you."

"You were you. That was more than enough."

He pressed kisses all over her face as he said this, working his way all around before settling on her lips. He kissed her softly at first, broke away, and then returned with a second, more passionate kiss. Winter needed Autumn to understand how enough she truly was.

Their food arrived and they settled in to watch a movie that evening. They decided on one of Autumn's favorites, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. She had been shocked when she learned that Winter had never seen it, but then he was never one for horror movies. He was starting to gain an appreciation after watching them with Autumn, though. His favorite part was when she would pause the movie to share a piece of trivia or point out a production element she found particularly compelling.

Winter loved seeing glimpses of this more nerdy side of Autumn. She was incredibly smart and had a head for facts. If she was interested in a topic, it was likely she could tell you everything there was to know about it. She could talk for hours about her favorite bands, her favorite movies, whatever book she was currently reading, or even just a news story that caught her eye that day. It was Winter's favorite thing to just hear her rambling on, not a care in the world. He could listen to her talk for hours. And often he did.

It was getting rather late and Winter needed to head back to his place so he could get some sleep for his shift tomorrow. Autumn was cuddled into his side as the movie came to an end and he started to shift trying to get up.

"Do you have to go?" She grabbed at his waist to keep him on the sofa.

What Winter felt in that moment was different than any other time she'd asked him to stay. There was no flirty edge to her wanting him here, she just didn't want to be alone. And he didn't want to leave her. 

If he was being honest, Winter no longer felt at home in his apartment. He was hardly there anymore. He spent any free time with Autumn and when they decided to hang out "at home" it was always her place no matter who suggested it. Because home wasn't either building to him, it was her.

Nearly half of  Winter's clothes were already here. When he would stay over he would just throw what he was wearing in with the laundry without thinking. Soon he found that Autumn had made him his own space in the closet and the dresser without him even asking.

"Winter I-" 

"Autumn I-"

They started at the same time, but neither had to finish their sentence. The look they shared was enough to know they were about to suggest the same thing. Winter would start the process of moving in officially tomorrow morning. He relaxed back into the sofa pulling Autumn closer and giving her a kiss on top of the head. He was home.

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