Team Work

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As Autumn woke up she saw she had already gotten a text from Marjorie.

Skip the heels today. We're both going to be in the rooms. I'll repay you with a case of wine.

She groaned before returning to her place in Winter's arms to wait for him to wake up. She didn't hate actually working in the rooms, in fact she thought it was a nice change of pace every once in a while. What she hated was the comments she got from the parents when they saw her there. No, she wasn't in there often but she resented the fact that they thought she wouldn't be good at taking care of their children just because she worked in the office.

Taking care of the kids was not an easy task but she was fully qualified to do it. Her father had her do an apprenticeship when she was in her teens since he figured at some point she would be working in the business and she got further qualifications in order to take the management position.

Another message came through quickly

I'm going to assign you to preschool today with Winter.

Knowing she was going to spend the day working with her love took the sting out of the task. Autumn was obviously biased but she thought that Winter was extremely good at his job.

That's why it made her so angry when parents would complain about Winter doing his job for no reason other than he was a man. The level of sexism amongst the parents was incredibly high and no matter how qualified or skilled Winter was, he would always be judged more harshly due to his gender.

Autumn thought back to the last parent that complained simply because he was carrying a baby across the room. She couldn't help but point out that Winter was quite literally every child's favorite worker. Even ignoring the fact that he was the love of her life, no one could disagree with her when she pointed out that Winter was the most qualified employee at the nursery. He was the manager at his last setting and only left because he wanted to be back in the rooms.

The comments never bothered Winter though. He loved what he did and nothing was going to change.

"I just need to be where I can make a difference. I want to make sure the kids are getting the best education possible and I want to be part of it."

There were days where Autumn would walk slower than usual down the hallway to catch glimpses of him playing with the kids. If there was an activity planned for the day she'd take the time to pop in just to watch him work for a couple minutes. She loved seeing him in his element, so she couldn't help but be excited to spend the day with him.

She felt Winter stir slightly and turned to wake him up with a kiss.

"Good morning, my sweet."

He pulled her in close to return the kiss.

"You know, my love," he slowly moved a stray piece of hair out of her face. "You'd think by now I'd be used to waking up next to you, but it still takes my breath away every time."

"Hmm well I'm sure you'll tire of me eventually." She responded. "Maybe after I spend the whole day working in your room with you."

Winter laughed sleepily before he fully comprehended what she had said. When he had woken up enough to realize she wasn't joking he looked over at her with a huge smile. He had only worked in the rooms with her for an hour or two at most as she covered for other staff members but he loved seeing her interact with the kids. They all loved her. Whenever she would come into the rooms for even a minute or two at least one child would immediately run up to see her.

Whenever someone new was in the room, whether the kids knew them or not, there was an energy that made the day more exciting. This combined with the fact that the new person was his love made Winter look forward to the day more than usual.

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