1)The Valar Visits The Woman Who Conquered

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Esmeralda felt a presence within her home and had her wand ready. She turns and lifts her wand up to see seven beings standing in front of her.
(Melkor is the first Dark Lord so he doesn't exactly count when he turns into a Dark Lord. Especially when he is the primary antagonist of Tolkien's legendarily when he later on becomes Morgoth).

 Especially when he is the primary antagonist of Tolkien's legendarily when he later on becomes Morgoth)

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"Who are you?," Esmeralda asked softly, but cautiously.

"We are the Valar dear one. I am Námo or Mandos, Lord Judge of the Dead, Master of Doom, Chief advisor to Manwë, Keeper of the souls of elves," the male being introduced.

"I'm Lórien or Irmo, Lord of Visions and Dreams, Husband of Estë the Gentle," the other male introduced.

"I'm Yavanna, Lady/Queen of the Earth and Giver of Fruits, Wife of Aulë," the female spoke.

"I'm Aulë, Lord of Matter and Master of Craft, Husband of Yavanna," the male huff in amusement of the quick reflex the young woman has.

"I'm Manwë, King of the Valar, King of Arda, Lord of air, wind, and clouds, Husband of Varda," another one introduced.

"I'm Varda, Manwë's wife, Lady of the Stars and the Kindler," the female greeted Crystal with a smile.

"I'm Ulmo, Lord of Waters," the male nod.

"I'm Oromë, Lord of the Trees, The Great Rider, and Huntsman of the Valar, Husband of Vána The Ever-young," he introduced.

Esmeralda lowered her wand and gap at the seven godly beings from the books/movies she had watched are right in front of her. Her mouth opened and closed making no sound at all. She was in shock. Esmeralda then realized they were here for her, but don't know why. She looks down.

"What do I need to do, my Lords and my Ladies?," she asks as she bows.

The Valar looked at each other and were shocked by this. She somehow knew she had a role within their world and wanted to know what it is. So they have her rise as they sit down with her across from them.

"Tell us child. How did you know?," Varda asked softly, when she saw the fallen face of the poor girl, no, young woman, yet still a child to her.

"Death or Lord Mortem, visit me when I was killed by Voldemort for only a few minutes or hours and told me I'll be visited by those who need me. I knew I had to be ready especially when I have not aged. I'm 73 years old and I'm immortal so I can't really die. I waited and now you are here," she answered.

The Valar looked shocked by this even more and felt the room grew colder. They saw Esmeralda's soft and beautiful warm smile. She walked to the window when a shadow figure appeared and her hugged him as he hugged back.

 She walked to the window when a shadow figure appeared and her hugged him as he hugged back

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"You haven't visited me in three years, Mortem. I was beginning to worry when I haven't heard from you, old friend," Esmeralda greeted.

"For that, I deeply apologize. I have forgotten to contact you to let you know I would not be here for three years as many deaths of both magicals and humans arrived in my domain," he explained.

"Think nothing of it. Come, sit with me, my friend. The Valar have come just like you said," Esmeralda informed.

The two sat down across from the Valar and Death explained everything to the Valar about Esmeralda's past, and how she has the habit of knowing what's or whose coming. For years after the second Wizarding War and Graduation she felt things coming as if she could see the future.

The rest of the Valar looked to Lórien who was in shock and smiled big. Then a knock was heard and Esmeralda quickly went to the door where Luna Lovegood stood outside. Luna joins Esmeralda and Death on the couch.

"It appears that you, Esmeralda may not have the ability to have visions, but you will most likely only see the good and bad feelings, and they only show you small visions of them. While as for Luna, she has the gift of Sight from her mother's side of the family," Lórien explained.

Esmeralda and Luna exchange looks of shock, and look back at the Valar. Death looks to his Mistress/friend and holds her hand getting her attention. Esmeralda understood how he felt and Námo also understood that Mortem doesn't want to let his friend go.

"Lord Death, you may be with her. I do not mind having another God of Death who would help me take care of the humans, hobbits, and dwarves deaths. Along with animals and plants as I've seen you've cared deeply for those here. You can be here and be in Arda. Esmeralda is never taken from you or Lady Luna as she will hunt the entire Middle Earth to search for her older sister and I know you, yourself would help her," Námo spoke.

Death eagerly agreed and Esmeralda jumped him to the floor as the two hugged on the floor. Luna giggle and join the hug as the two who are on the floor laugh in glee of not being taken from one another. The Valar smiles softly at the beautiful, warm, and soft family bond the three have with each other.

"Thank you and please, call me Esme. I would be called by Esmeralda if it's something important or being in trouble," Esmeralda said softly.

The Valar explained everything within Middle Earth and wished to make a few changes. Actions in the books or movies Esmeralda spoke all happened the same, but Thorin, Kili, and Fili weren't supposed to die.

So either the twins live or Thorin lives, or all three of them live . Only Luna and mostly Esmeralda were to see fit for either the twins, Thorin, or all three of them get to live. Everything will still be the same in the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

"I do not wish for Tauriel to fade. She deserves her happiness with her soulmate, not to be in pain all over again," Esmeralda spoke.

The Valar was shocked that Esmeralda knew that Tauriel is Kili's soulmate. Then they notice something around Esmeralda. There is a light red string around her waist and wrist. They followed it into Middle Earth with a certain someone within a gloomy forest.

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