8)An Orc's or Goblin's Mountain(1)

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Black speech

"Age Fae, festinandum est, mi amice(Come Fae, we must hurry, my friend)," Esmeralda spoke.

"Idem ad te, Argue, festinandum est(The Same to you, Argus, we must hurry)," Luna said.

"Sister we must not let Bilbo's mind be effected by the object," Luna spoke as she rides next to her sister.

"I know, but it's his destiny to keep it. Frodo needs to take it. We will place a powerful protection spell for the two in a ring or something to keep the object from taking it's toll on them," Esmeralda said back.

Luna liked that idea and just hoped they aren't too late behind the company. Gandalf is grateful to the Valar for bringing Esmeralda and Luna back to their family. He is grateful for them two of helping and hope their magic could protect both Bilbo and Frodo from the ring.

"Quickly down there," Gandalf spoke

The three made their way down to an orc or goblin's mountain. They hear talking and saw the company in the middle of what it looks like a throne area.

"That thing needs to learn how to sing better," Luna whispered with disgust.

She prefers her sister's singing rather than this horrid thing. And she definitely would choose out of all of her brothers in everything but blood in singing is Charlie and Bill.

"The two of you get the company while I get Bilbo. I hope I'm not late," Esmeralda whispered.

Gandalf and Luna nod as Esmeralda left to Bilbo's location. She found him and she saw Smeagol. She listens in on the conversation.

"Games? We love games, doesn't we, Precious? Does it like games? Does it? Does it? Does it like to play?," Smeagol asks.

"Maybe?," Bilbo answer hesitantly.

Smeagol holds up his hands, then begins reciting a riddle.

"What has roots as nobody sees, is talller than tress. Up, up, up it goes, and yet, never grows," Smeagol riddled.

"The mountain," Bilbo answered.

Smeagol begins to laugh uproariously.

"Yesss, Yess, oh, let's have another one, eh? Yes, come on, do it again, do it--do it again. Ask us," Smeagol demands.

"No! No more riddles. Finish him off. Finish him now! Gollum! Gollum!," Smeagol spoke.

Gollum snarls, and begins rushing at Bilbo to kill him, but Bilbo holds out his hand to stop him and begins speaking.

"No! No, no, no. I wa-want to play. I do. I want to play. I can see you are very good at this. S-so why don't we have a game of Riddle's? Yes, just you and me," Bilbo said.

Bilbo crouches until he is level with Gollum; Gollum scuttles forward, close to Bilbo, whispering excitedly.

"Yes! Yes, just, just-just us," he whispered.

"Yes. Yes. And-And if I win, you show me the way out," Bilbo declared.

"If Baggins loses, we eats it whole," Gollum smirks.

There is a pause for several seconds as Bilbo digests this new information.

"Fair enough," Bilbo agrees, but full on lied to him.

Bilbo stands up and puts his sword away as Gollum looks on interestingly.

"Well, Baggins first," Gollum spoke.

As Bilbo thinks of a riddle, Gollum rests his hands and chin on the edge of a rock.

"Thirty white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still," Bilbo riddled.

As Gollum thinks, he keeps opening his eyes and mouth as if he knows the answer, then changes his mind. This goes on for several seconds, until he finally replies questioningly.

"Teeth?" Gollum answered.

Bilbo looks unhappy, as the answer is correct. Gollum becomes ecstatic and laughs throatily.

"Teeth!! Yes, my Precious. But we—we—we only have nine," Gollum said to Bilbo.

Gollum displays his mouth, showing that he really does only have nine teeth. Bilbo is disgusted. Gollum begins reciting his next riddle, while getting closer and closer to Bilbo. Bilbo keeps a large rock between the two of them.

"Our turn. Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters," Gollum riddled again.

"Just a minute," Bilbo spoke.

As Bilbo walks off thinking, Gollum's evil face turns into Smeagol's excited face.

"Oh, oh! We knows. We knows!," Smeagol said excitedly.

"Shut up" Gollum said to himself.

As Bilbo observes the water, he notices tiny waves forming as a breeze ruffles the surface of the water.

"Wind. It's wind! Of course it is," Bilbo smiles.

Gollum snarls in frustration and begins slinking around, approaching Bilbo.

"Very clever, Hobbitses, very clever," Gollum comment with anger in his voice.

As he gets too close for comfort, Bilbo pulls out his sword and points it at Gollum again, but also begins saying his own riddle.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah. A—a box without hinges, key, o—or, or lid, yet, golden treasure inside is hidden," Bilbo asked.

Gollum thinks hard, talking to himself and making many hand motions.

"A box...and a lid...and then a key...." Gollum was hesitant with finding the answer.

"Well?" Bilbo asked hoping he gets it wrong.

"It's nasty. Uh, box, uh..." Gollum whispered to himself still trying.

"Give up?," Bilbo asked again.

"Give us a chance, Precious, give us a chance!," Gollum said in frustion and plead.

In frustration, Smeagol begins pounding the floor and snarling. He puckers his face up deeply, then suddenly opens his eyes wide as he gets the answer.

"Eggses! Eggses!" He laughs.

"What crunchy little eggses, yes. Grandmother taught us to suck them, yes," Gollum added.

As Smeagol laughs, a bat makes a noise in the darkness. Bilbo turns to look for the source of the noise; as he turns back around, he realizes that Gollum is gone. Gollum's voice suddenly starts sounding like an echo from different parts of the cave. Gollum speaks his riddle from some unknown spot.

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