15)Heading and Entering Mirkwood(1)

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Black speech

The Company saddles and rides Beorn's ponies. As they ride away, Beorn, who is staying at his house, looks around for danger.

"Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind," Beorn nods.

Esmeralda gave Beorn a two way mirror if he ever wishes to speak to have company. Beorn's heart moved at the thoughtful gesture. He nod in thanks and squeezes the hands in support of Esmeralda, Luna, and Bilbo's.

The company rides rapidly across the land, slowing to a stop as they approach a looming, gloomy-looking forest. Gandalf dismounts and walks into the edge of the forest through an ancient archway.

"The Elven Gate," Gandalf mutter.

Gandalf turns and calls to the others.

"Here lies our path through Mirkwood," Gandalf told them

"No sign of the Orcs. We have luck on our side," Dwalin huffs.

Dwalin dismounts. Gandalf squints as he sees something in the distance, it is Beorn, in his bear form, watching them from a distant ridge. Esmeralda opened her hand as her stag and doe patronus went towards Beorn, who of course could feel the kindness, gratitude, and gratitude though the two creatures that touch his snout.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master," Gandalf told them.

The dwarves and Bilbo, Esmeralda, and Luna dismount and begin taking their supplies off the ponies. Bilbo approaches the forest on foot. Even Esmeralda walk to stop beside him with Luna hand in hand.

"This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?," Bilbo asked looking back to Gandalf.

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south," Gandalf respond

Gandalf follows a path a few feet further into the shadows and approaches a plant-covered statue. At the same time, Bilbo, who is standing beside Esermalda and Luna, looked at Esmeralda.

Esmeralda turns to him and she blocks the ring chanting from Bilbo's mind. Bilbo and her know that the One Ring is in their possession and it's best they keep it in a ring box inside Esmeralda's pouch. They didn't want their companions to possess over the most dangerous object in Middle Eart.

As Gandalf approaches the statue, Galadriel suddenly appears she is evidently thought speaking to Gandalf from Rivendell.

'Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from our sight. Every day it grows in strength. Beware the Necromancer. He is not what he seems,' Galadriel informed him.

Gandalf approaches the statue apprehensively, then quickly yanks off the vines, revealing a painted on Eye of Sauron. We see the Flaming Eye of Sauron burst on the screen for a second, and Bilbo, holding the Ring, gasps slightly.

'If our enemy has returned, we must know. Go to the tombs in the mountains,' Galadriel instructed.

Gandalf, hearing her words in his head, nods in agreement.

"The High Fells. So be it," Gandalf spoke.

'And please tell my beautiful Melian, good luck on meeting her one before you leave,' Galadriel spoke softly.

Gandalf looks at Esmeralda who is already looking at him.

'Your mother said, Good luck on meeting your one,' Gandalf informed.

Esmeralda eyes were wide and Gandalf quickly move when he saw Nori is just about to finish unsaddling his horse.

"Not my horse! I need it," Gandalf rushes.

As Gandalf strides forward, the Company looks up and murmurs in surprise.

"You're not leaving us?," Bilbo asked hesitantly.

"I would not do this unless I had to," Gandalf replied.

Gandalf looks at Thorin, then turns and looks at a dejected Bilbo.

"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the Shire," Gandalf spoke.

"I was going to tell you, I...found something in the Goblin tunnels," Bilbo stumbles to tell Gandalf

"Found what?," Gandalf asked.

Gandalf leans forward curiously and suspiciously while Bilbo doesn't answer immediately, but fumbles with his jacket pocket.

"What did you find?," Gandalf asked once more.

Bilbo stays silent for several more seconds, then finally responds.

"My courage," Bilbo lied.

Gandalf stared for a few seconds and nod.

"Good. Well, that's good. You'll need it," he praises Bilbo.

Gandalf turns and begins walking toward his horse, he speaks as he passes Thorin.

"I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me," Gandalf informed.

Gandalf stops and looks hard at Thorin as he says this, then continues toward his horse.

"This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray," Gandalf told Thorin and the rest of the company.

"Lead us astray? What does that mean?," Dwalin and Bilbo asked together

Gandalf gets on his horse. It begins raining lightly, even though the sun is out.

"You must stay on the path, do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again," Gandalf warned.

Gandalf wheels his horse and rides away.

"No matter what may come, stay on the path!," Gandalf shouted as he gallop away.

"No matter what may come, stay on the path!," Gandalf shouted as he gallop away

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"WHAT!?," Esmeralda outburst startled the dwarves, Bilbo, and Luna.


Gandalf's figure disappeared from the hills and Esmeralda groaned. She huffs turning back to the dark and gloomy forest. The dwarves and Bilbo were shocked to hear Esmeralda has a one and he is one of the elves and she didn't know it was going to be in Mirkwood. She knows he is a single parent, but she didn't think it will be in a gloomy forest.

It is rare for people like Esmeralda to have a one. For humans it is very rare for them. It seems Esmeralda really is quite different humans they ever met or used to observed.

Thorin and Company turn toward the forest.

"Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day," Thorin intructed.

"Durin's Day. Let's go!," Dwalin barked.

"This is our one chance to find the hidden door," Thorin said.

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