11) Seeing Azog and His Wargs(2)

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Black speech

"Fili!," Gandalf called out and drops the fire pinecones to Fili.

Fili catches the pinecone. Bilbo and the dwarves gather pinecones and Gandalf sets them on fire, they then throw the flaming pinecones like missiles at the Wargs. Esmeralda and Luna kept firing spells even though they were feeling tired. All the area around the tree gets set on fire, forcing the Wargs to retreat a distance.

Azog roars in anger and frustration as the dwarves cheer. Suddenly, their cheers turn into cries of fear as the roots of the tree they are in start to give way. The tree tips precariously over the edge of the cliff, but comes to a rest sticking straight out away from the edge of the cliff. Esmeralda curses herself for forgetting that she should've casted the light spell on her and the others.

Gandalf looks down and sees the ground far, far, below. The dwarves try to hold on as they get flung around. Ori loses his grip on the tree and falls, but manages to grab on to Dori's leg.

"Ahhhh! No! NO," Ori panic.

"Mister Gandalf! Miss Esmeralda, Miss Luna!," Dori cried out.

Esmeralda look and saw Ori hanging onto Dori from the leg.

"Windgarium Leviosa," Esmeralds casted.

Ori was then lifted and clutched the trunk of the tree while everyone else was hanging on the trunk. Esmeralda was about to cast another with everyone else, but she was also struggling. Azog growls while Thorin, clinging to the tree, looks at him in hate and anger. Thorin pulls himself up, his sword drawn, and walks down the leaning trunk as Bilbo and the others, hanging from the tree, look on. Thorin runs through the burning ground at Azog and his White Warg.

Azog spreads his arms wide with a smug grin on his face. Thorin growls as he runs with his sword up and his oaken branch shield held in front of him. Azog crouches, then roars as his Warg leaps at Thorin. Thorin tries to swing his sword, but the Warg hits him in the chest with its forepaw, smashing Thorin to the ground. The other dwarves in the tree look on in shock.

As Thorin gets back on his feet, panting, Azog and his White Warg wheel around; they charge at Thorin again. Azog swings his mace and smashes Thorin in the face before Thorin can react. Thorin is brutally flung to the ground by the impact.

"NOOOO!," Balin roared.

Azog roars in excitement. Bilbo manages to stand up on the tree. The White Warg clamps its jaws around Thorin and Thorin yells in pain. Dwalin tries to get off and tree to assist Thorin, but the tree branches he is holding on to break, swinging him precariously over the edge and preventing him from reaching Thorin.

"Thorin! NO!," Dwalin cried out.

As the White Warg holds Thorin in its mouth, Thorin manages to hit its head with the pommel of his sword. Roaring, the White Warg throws Thorin several feet away onto a flat rock nearby. Thorin lands heavily, his sword falling out of his hand. He is almost unconscious.

"Bring me the Dwarf's head," Azog ordered.

One of Azog's Warg Riders jumps off his Warg and approaches Thorin. Bilbo, seeing this, pulls out his own sword, which glows blue. The orc approaches Thorin and places its sword against his neck raising the sword, the rider prepares to decapitate Thorin. As he swings his sword down, Bilbo throws himself at the orc and knocks him over.

As they fight, Bilbo manages to stab and kill the orc. As Azog growls in anger, Thorin goes unconscious. Pulling his sword out of the dead orc's body, Bilbo stands in front of the unconscious Thorin and protects his body. He waves his sword wildly at Azog and the other Wargs. Azog smiles in hatred and speaks in the Black Speech to his Orcs; the translated meaning is.

"Kill him," Azog ordered.

A couple of Wargs and Riders approach Bilbo, snarling. Esmeralda managed to get up and brought Fili, Kili, and Dwalin with her. The others she knows that they'll be safe as the eagles will help them.

The four plow into the Wargs from the side and start fighting them. In the confusion, Bilbo yells and leaps forward, wounding a Warg. The White Warg hits Bilbo with his head and sends him flying, however. As the fighting around them continues, Azog and his White Warg approach Bibo to kill him.

Esmeralda, Fili, Kili, and Dwalin have been surrounded by Wargs, and Bilbo is at Azog's mercy. Dori fell, but was caught by Gandalf's staff along with Ori was also slipping. Then the two slips from the end of Gandalf's staff, and Dori and Ori fall toward the ground far below.

An eagle swoops out of nowhere and catches them on its back, they yell in fear as they are carried swiftly away. Several more Eagles appear and join the fray. Some grab Wargs and Orcs and toss them over the cliff. Others knock down trees, which crush the Wargs below them.

Esmeralda, Fili, Kili, and Dwalin landed on an eagle. Esmeralda thanks the eagle and he or she shrieks as if saying you are welcome. Esmeralda rests while Fili, Kili, and Dwalin stay by her side while looking for Thorin.

Another Eagle fans the flames with its wings, causing an inferno which burns the Wargs. Azog snarls in frustration. One Eagle gently grabs Thorin and his sword in its talons and flies away.

As Thorin is lifted off the ground, his oaken branch shield slips off his arm and lands on the ground. Azog roars and jumps back as an Eagle flies by him. The Eagle heads straight for an alarmed Bibo and snatches him off the ground.

It then throws Bilbo, and he screams as he falls toward the ground, only to land on the back of another Eagle. The rest of the Eagles proceed to snatch the dwarves out of the tree and fly away.

When only Gandalf is left in the tree, the roots give way and the tree falls off the edge of the cliff. Gandalf leaps clear of it and is caught by an Eagle. As the Eagles fly away with all the Company, Azog and the few Warg Riders left growl in anger and frustration.

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