3)During The Stay in Rivendell

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Black speech

Esmeralda woke up and went to explore Rivendell's ground. She didn't know what to think anymore when she first arrived. She has missed her family so much, but she learned from being Mistress of Death or for Death she could still talk to them, but to physically touch them was something she could wish for to happen so she could feel them.

Elrond was taking a stroll around his home and land. He thought of how much is coming within Middle Earth and he fears for it. He wants his children to be safe and happy, but with orcs and goblins roaming free, he wonders if HE is trying to grow strong.

Elrond then walked into the gardens and stopped. In front of him was a beautiful image of Esmeralda touching the flower trees with a gentle touch and soft expression on her face.

'Beautiful,' he thought.

Elrond himself blushes in embarrassment. He never once say that since his beloved was shipped to the Undying Lands, his daughter, and his mother-in-law/friend Lady Galadriel. But with Esmeralda he felt protective like a brother would for a sister and would complement her.

She reminded him of his beloved and wondered if she is Lady Galadriel's daughter along with Luna. The two look a little like Lady Galadriel and Celebrian. Elrond learned from his beloved her two sisters were taken from them and never to see ever again.

Luna and Esmeralda were looking into Elrond's library to read. Esmeralda found something in an old book of a Fairy Tale. A Picture with people she recognize as she seen them in the movie. It was the picture of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn with three girls. One the eldest, Celebrian, second eldest, with blond hair and a speck of raven hair, while the youngest with blond hair and blue eyes. Esmeralda held her head when sudden memories came out of nowhere.

"[Melian(Precious gift)! my little IIma(Starlight), wait for me, my Hina(child)]," a male chuckle.

"No, [you have to hurry Ada(Father)! Naneth(Mother) has my new Muinthel(Sister)]," Melian laughs softly as she hurries to her parents' room.

Melian opens the door to see her eldest sister next to their mother. Galadgriel smiled softly with Celebrian when Melian rush to make sure they were well before checking the little elfling.

"Oh, [she is beautiful, Naneth.] Our own little [Ithildin(Moon-star/moonlight)]," Melian whisper.

Celeborn, Galadriel, and Celebrian exchange shock looks. Their little Melian accidentally named her Muinthel. But it didn't matter as the name fit perfectly for the child. She truly was a moon-light, just like Melian being their little star-light. The three had two stars they would always cherish.

Celeborn was happy with his daughters and understood why many of the male elves were protective of their daughters. He witness his two youngest almost being killed by orcs and he went on a rampage in the battle as he killed hundreds of orcs getting them away from his daughters.

Because his two daughters did not deserve to be touched by filth. Celebrian kept teasing her father along with Galadriel for it and Celeborn would not stop blushing when he kept his two daughters in his arms the longest.

No one could take them away from him, but understood well he almost lost the two youngest. And they themselves were protective. It was during the night where two men entered Lothlórien and stole the two youngest.

Galadriel felt a presence within her mind and heard her Melian screaming for help. Galadriel woke with fright and Celeborn rushed with her to their two youngest' rooms. Galadriel screams in anger to find the room destroyed with a window open.

Celeborn roared orders for his elves to search the grounds. Celebrian and Galadriel joined him. They stop when they saw footprints. They quickly follow when they hear Melian's yelling. From a clearing they saw an ancient ruins with runes and they saw Melian fighting to escape.

There were two figures, one was dragging Melian and the other was holding Ithildin. Melian saw them and called for them. Celeborn, Galadriel, and Celebrian rushed up the stairs.

They saw a portal and they rushed forward only to be stopped by a fire spell.

"ADA! NANETH! MUINTHEL!," Melian cried.

"MELIAN! ITHILDIN! NOO!!!!," they shouted.

They were almost to the portal, but it closed on them, and the last thing they saw was the frightened and devastated look on Melian's beautiful crying face. The three scream in pain, loss, and agony of losing their two youngest.
Flashback Ended;

Esmeralda gasps at the memories flowing through her mind. She went to look for Luna and found her by the window of the library. She rushed to her sister and let Luna read her mind. Luna gasp as tears form in her eyes of remembering her life in Middle Earth. The two girls cried that day and held each other.

Esmeralda and Luna could believe they were taken from their family. Yet, everything about all this was for a reason, but at a great cost. Because Esmeralda is not an elf anymore while Luna is still an elf. Esmeralda's family was a mix of purebloods, muggleborns, and half-bloods. She was reborn as a child by Lily, a muggleborn, and James, a pureblood. While Luna was born from two purebloods.

Apparently they were forced to be reborn by a ritual and were born as a halfblood and pureblood from a witching family. They now wondered if their family would recognize them after so many years. So the two went the day of thinking different scenarios and forget one is a clairvoyant and the other predicts like a clairvoyant.

The two woke the next morning and left to Elrond. The two showed their memories and Elrond exchange his to know what happened to their sister. The girls broke down when they couldn't see her until the Valar deemed them right for them to join her.

Elrond held his two sister-in-laws close to him. He feels their pain and would help them the best he could. Elrond let the two rest in his room and went to announce the news to the others.

With the Valar, dream realm;
There was silence in the realm as some of them that didn't know were shocked while some who weren't shocked knew.

"Why did you not tell us?," Esmeralda demanded with cracking emotions.

Námo, Lórien, and Varda felt horrible in keeping their memories away. They have forgotten that Esmeralda hates being kept from the truth and hidden secrets that involve her, and her loved ones.

"We wanted to tell you, we truly did and still do. We couldn't do it without having you be in even more pain. We needed to heal with those around you and your surroundings. We know you still blame yourself with everything that has happened to you. Yet, this was not an excuse to use. Please, we truly did want to tell you," Námo answered with sincere apology.

Esmeralda could feel and hear the sincere as tears fall from her eyes. He was right it wasn't an excused reason, yet he was correct about her though.

Esmeralda hugged him and brought the other two Valar in the hug. The three Lords/Lady/Gods/Goddess held her as she cries in pain, hope, and faith. That only made their hearts break even more.

Esmeralda was a family person and to lose a family only to gain, and then lose them again is hard for her to get used to all over again. They didn't want her to be in pain, yet they caused it.

Luna can be aggressive when it comes to her older sister being in pain. Her eyes hardened and she even dared to unsheathe her daggers as she threw it at the three gods, almost hitting their eyes. Ulmo, Oromë, Aulë, and Manwë just watch with amusement when the three Lords/Lady are pale when the daggers are in front of them close to their pupils floating in the air.

'Try to upset her more in the future, I will not stop my daggers this time,' she telepathically warned them.

Námo, Lórien, and Varda nod fiercely while Ulmo, Oromë, Aulë, and Manwë laugh silently at their misery. That only cause Námo, Lórien, and Varda glare at them for not helping.

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