6)Seeing Them Part 2

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Black speech

Esmeralda closed her eyes trying not to yell at Saruman. The way the man acts as if he was above everyone else and he has no power over them like that. He shouldn't even speak of his own brother like that yet he did. Celeborn and Luna move to Esmeralda to help Galadriel calm her.

"Well, he's odd, I grant you. He lives a solitary life," Gandalf shortly respond.

"It's not that. It's his excessive consumption of mushrooms. They've addled his brain and yellowed his teeth. I warned him, it is unbefitting of the Istari to be wander in the woods..."

Saruman's voice fade when both Galadriel and Esmeralda focuses on Gandalf, and speaks within his mind.

'You carry something. It came to you from Radagast. He found it in Dol Guldur,' they state to Gandalf.

'Yes,' he confirmed.

'Show us,' the two said.

Gandalf lifts Radagast's package, which he had in his lap, and places it on the table. It lets out a dull thud.

"...or I'd think I was talking to myself..." Saruman finish.

"What is that?," Elrond question.

"A relic of Mordor," Galadriel answered.

Elrond, who was reaching out to unwrap the package, draws his hand back. He then reaches for it again and opens it, revealing the sword Radagast took from the spirit in Dol Guldur.

 He then reaches for it again and opens it, revealing the sword Radagast took from the spirit in Dol Guldur

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The White Council members look upon it in shock. Esmeralda kept Luna behind her not wanting her sister to feel such darkness. Luna should never feel such darkness as it will only harm her. Celeborn understood his second eldest is sensitive to magic and she doesn't want her sister to be in danger so he places Luna behind her while Esmeralda is in front of him.

"Made for the Witch-king of Angmar, and buried with him. When Angmar fell, men of the North took his body and all that he possessed and sealed it within the High-Fells of Rhudaur. Deep within the rock they buried them, in a tomb so dark it would never come to light," Galadriel spoke in a distant voice.

Esmeralda had enough and brought her mother into her arms. Galadriel looks at her daughter as her eyes fog. Gandalf look at Esmeralda and both Elrond and Saruman look at her too.

"Lords and Ladies of Valar. I ask you to bring Radagast forward to me. For I ask of his assistant," Esermalda's voice echo.

A light shined from the right and Radagast appeared. Radagast greeted everyone with a bow and made his way towards Esmeralda who gave her mother to her father and reached for Radagast's hand. Radagast put his hand into Esmeralda's.

"Allow us to witness what he has seen, My Lords, My Ladies. We ask to see what we will be up against," Esermalda plead.

A light from Radagast's forehead went on top of the Morgul sword with a scene of him going into Dol Guldur. He searched for whatever dark magic there is and none was found. Only the Witch King of Angmar appeared behind the statue and attack Radagast.

Radagast fought for his life and the sword appeared in it's physical form from the dead. He then saw a shadow figure chanting. Radagast took the sword and made his way to find Gandalf. The memory ended and everyone was pale, and froze in fright. They then turn to Esmeralda looking at the sword with a dark look.

"He is trying to grow stronger. No wonder why I sense dark magic from afar. If dark magic is growing, then HE as well is trying to grow. But slowly as he does not have the One Ring," they heard her mutter.

'They are leaving,' Esmeralda telepathically said to Gandalf.

'Yes,' Gandalf confirm.

Esmeralda's lip quirk in amusement as she has forgotten this meeting was a distraction. Galadriel saw this and look at her daughter, and Gandalf.

'You knew,' Galadriel spoke.

Gandalf gave a short nod and a little shrug, while her daughter was trying not to smile. She may like her own mother, but she has her father's side of trying to keep a stoic expression. A step is heard, and they all turn around Lindir comes up and bows.

"My Lord Elrond, the dwarves, they've gone," Lindir .

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