4)Meeting The Company

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Twenty-two days have passed since Esmeralda and Luna's arrival in Middle Earth, and Rivendell. The two loved their stay in Rivendell and along with getting to know their niece and nephews.

Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen were happy to hear about Esmeralda and Luna being their real aunts when they learned they were taken from their mother and grandparents. The children now know why their mother would cry silently in her sleep whenever they asked about the two girls in the photo she kept in a locket.

It didn't matter to the three children they were blood adopted, they were still their mother's sisters even by blood. They learn from the books Esmeralda gave them to learn about pure blood, halfblood, and muggleborn.

They learn even if one is blood adopted, they will still have their biological parnet's blood, just mixed together. Like an elf with a human makes a half elf, or dwarves with a human makes another dwarf or human with dwarf genes.

The two would always respond to their given names even in their real names. Esmeralda was Melian for Precious Gift, and IIma for starlight, while Luna was Ithildin for Moonlight, and Isil for Moon. They would respond to them whether they are in sindarin or quenya.

"They're here," Esmeralda state.

"Yes, they are," Luna confirmed.

Luna and Esmeralda left the room together and headed to meet the company. Out of the two Esmeralda is the only one who could understand Thorin and the company's desire to reclaim their home.

Even Luna understood some, but she still understood none the less. They will help them for the better. Esmeralda and Luna enters the outside dinning where the dwarves, hobbit, and the wizard eating with Lord Elrond.

Everyone, the elves, dwarves, hobbit, and wizard look to see who entered. The company was rather flabbergasted that two beautiful women came through the doors.

 The company was rather flabbergasted that two beautiful women came through the doors

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Elrond smiled at the two and went to greet them with Lindir. Elrond escorted Luna while Lindir take Esmeralda. Luna and Esmeralda took a seat with Elrond, but Esmeralda frown when Lindir wasn't joining. Lindir has become a great dear friend to her and he should be joining. Elrond notice this and smile.

"Come, Lindir, sit. I believe a friend is upset about you not joining us," Elrond told Lindir.

Lindir frowns in confusion and saw Esmeralda frown his way realizing she wanted him to eat with them. Lindir couldn't ask for a better human friend besides Aragon of course. But still, Esmeralda treats him as a friend or brother for that matter rather than a servant it was touching to him, he would smile sheepishly whenever the others look on with jealousy and playfully scowl at him.

He went to take a seat between Esmeralda and Gandalf when Esmeralda flicked her wrist as a chair appeared. Gandalf and Thorin look stunned by the display they witness.

"Greetings to you, Master Thorin, Master Gandalf," Esmeralda greeted.

Esmeralda's voice was gentle, soft, and melodious to Thorin and Gandalf. Her voice echoes softly around the table.

"Ah-a, please my lady, just Gandalf, no need for formalities," Gandalf said gently.

"Greetings, may I know who I'll be speaking to?," Thorin greet with a nod.

Esmeralda's lip quirk in amusement while Luna raised a brow.

"I am Esmeralda Potter-Black. My sister, Luna Lovegood. The two of us aren't from this world as we are from another. A world filled with other wizards and female wizards. We were brought here by the Valar themselves. My sister and I are known for many things and one of them is to be able to fight," Esmeralda explained with half a lie and half a truth.

"May I know what titles were bestowed on you, my ladies?," Gandalf asked intrigue.

"Certainly, Master Gandalf," Luna spoke dreamily.

"I am known as, The Traveler, Explorer, Writer, and Defender," Luna listed.

Gandalf and Thorin turn to Esmeralda who was wiping her mouth gently. She settle the napkin down and clear her throat.

"I am known as, The Vanquisher, The Chosen One, The Savior, The Girl Who Lived-Twice, Lady of Many Houses, The Woman Who Conquered, and Mistress of/for Death," Esmeralda listed.

Gandalf then realized they are the ones the Valar told him of. These two would change things for the better and that the three deaths of the Durin bloodline should never have ended in such a way. Esmeralda would be able to help keep Thorin and his nephews alive.

"You are the ones, the Valar told me of. My ladies you are to join this journey with the company. They said, "Even if the company does not accept them on the journey they will still have to go with them. They could make a difference in the end. Be safe, young one,"" Gandalf explains.

"You, my Lady, is an immortal Istari. You would not grow old like my brothers and I. You would stay young like the Elves and live long like them. As for your sister, she is an elf with magic, and could live long with you," he added.

Esmeralda and Luna smiled at Gandalf with confirmation he was correct. As for Thorin, he frown upon this information he did not know of.

"And why should they join us?," Thorin demand with a Huff.

"Because we know what it is like to have your home be invaded and taken from you," Esmeralda answered.

Elrond, Lindir, Gandalf, and Thorin saw her eyes begin to fog. Thorin cursed under his breath for asking such a question, but he needed to know. Except he didn't know this was going to happen. Lindir held Esmeralda's hand in comfort and she squeeze back.

"My sister and I were made to be young soldiers at the age of 16 and 17. But I've been a soldier from the age of eleven when I knew of my birth right. A school has become my home, our home to be with everyone we care deeply about. During this second war within the magical world our home was taken. I worked my way with two friends who stick by me no matter what. As for my sister, she was held captive within the castle with everyone else.

We have gathered all of the students to fight because they wouldn't escape the land, so they had to fight to live. We never asked to be involved in the war. But the adults did nothing and all of them went down one by one. Some of the little ones were kept safe in a chamber underground while the older ones fought side by side. We eventually won, but lost some of the children," Esmeralda explained as small pain tears ran down her face.

Silent was met within the outside dining as many look at Esmeralda in shock. They haven't exactly heard the whole story, but this was something they didn't know. Luna kept hold of her older sister comforting her.

"That's why, we wish to help you. We ask nothing in return because we have everything we need. Food, gold, clothes, herbs for healing potions, spells, tent that is very big on the inside. And we could simply build a cottage," Luna added.

Esmeralda hum wiped her tears and took the said tent out to show them the truth. One by one all of the dwarves and elves along with Gandalf and the Hobbit went inside of the tent. They were flabbergasted of the tent and when one of the dwarves tried to steal something it would just go back where it belonged.

Esmeralda and Luna giggle, and the dwarves turn to where they are giggling. They saw one of their own tried to steal only for the object to go back where it was.

"Nori," they whisper shouted.

Nori turned around to see the two women smiling mischief at him while his group glared at him. Nori smiled sheepishly and left the objects alone, and went to the group only to be hit on the back of his head. Esmeralda and Luna share a heartily laugh together.

They haven't laugh like this in so many years after being forced to watch their loved ones die of old age while they didn't. Sure they laugh in Rivendell, but laughing everyday was not something they were used to anymore and they have yet again, have to get used to it.

The dwarves were having a hard time getting used to the pure, gentle, and beautiful laugh from the two maidens. Especially from an immortal witch and an immortal elf witch.

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