2)Arriving in Middle Earth & Rivendell

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[sindarin]'telepathic''Valar'Black speech(Translate)

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Black speech

Esmeralda groaned and looked around, and kept her unconscious little sister, Luna on her lap as she looked around the area for threats. Esmeralda took defense classes in the mundane world when the war was done, and fought hard so she could protect her and her sister as they are the only left alive.

All of their nephews, nieces, and godchildren have grown, and were given information to them before the Valar could take their aunts/godmothers. The children were upset for a moment, but knew they would be happy and safe as they never once age.

"Sister," a dreamily voice came from her lap.

Esmeralda smiles softly as she looks down on her smiling sister.

"Hi, my little moon. Are you alright?," Esmeralda greeted.

Luna smiles at her older sister worried for her well being. Luna nod and her sister quickly got a tent out, and carried her inside the tent. Esmeralda places Luna on the bed and went to get food ready. While the food is warm, Esmeralda and Luna ate in comfortable silence. The two went to sleep to get going in the morning. Esmerald made sure she washed and dried the clothes they wore before going to sleep.

'Esme, Luna, we sent a message to Lord Elrond of your arrival where the company will seek refuge. The two of you have to state your titles that were given to you by your people,' the Valar spoke before the two girls fell asleep.

Next Morning;
Esmeralda and Luna woke up to get ready in the clothes Esmeralda washed and dried. The two start walking with their hoods on when Esmeralda puts the tent back inside her bag-less bag. They saw the entrance and were in awe of the sight. Rivendell was beautiful.

"Halt, state your visit," one of the elves demand

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"Halt, state your visit," one of the elves demand.

Esmeralda and Luna put their hoods down as the two elves gasp. They were at the trance of their beauty and eyes as they had never seen such beautiful emerald jewel and ocean jewel eyes before.

"My name is Luna Lovegood, The Traveler, Explorer, Writer, and Defender, and this is my older sister," Luna introduced.

"My name is Esmeralda Potter-Black, The Vanquisher, The Chosen One, The Savior, The Girl Who Lived-Twice, Lady of Many Houses, The Woman Who Conquered, and Mistress of/for Death," Esmeralda introduced.

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