10)Seeing Azog and His Wargs(1)

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Black speech

After Bilbo speaks, there is silence as the dwarves think about what Bilbo said. Gandalf smiles slightly, happy that Bilbo has changed so much for the better.

Azog and his Warg Riders get to the top of the mountain.

"Run them down! Tear them to pieces!" Azog command.

He swings his mace forward, and several of his Wargs without riders leap forward and race down the mountain after the Company, howling. Hearing the howling, the Company members realize they are in danger.

"Out of the frying pan..." Thorin whispered.

"...and into the fire! Run! RUN!," Gandalf roared.

They all start running down the mountain as fast as they can. The Wargs follow them rapidly; it becomes nighttime.

Soon the foremost Warg catches up to the group and leaps at Bilbo and Esmeralda. The two duck behind a rock and the Warg's jaws snap in the air over their heads. The Warg lands in front of them. Growling, it charges at them.

Bilbo pulled up his courage and took his sword out and held it in front of him

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Bilbo pulled up his courage and took his sword out and held it in front of him. The warg charge and Bilbo moves to the side with speed and stabs it through its neck.

Esmeralda look at Bilbo with a bright smile and kiss him on both cheeks on a job well done for his first kill.

A few more Wargs catch up to the fleeing dwarves, but they are quickly dispatched. The Company reaches a large outcropping of land with a few trees growing on it; they are trapped there, as there is no way off the outcropping besides a great fall down the mountain.

Meanwhile with Luna she is sitting on top of the tree where the company and Gandalf have climb. She knew her sister wouldn't let her fight and put her at ease of being on the tree.

"Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, Esmeralda climb!" Gandalf yelled.

He was looking for Luna and felt a moment from above, and saw Luna was already up here with him. Luna smile softly at him and he was just not having his mind working at the moment.

Bifur throws an axe, killing a Warg which was approaching him. Bofur jumps off a rock and grabs a tree branch, using Dwalin's head as a stepping stone to the tree.

Other dwarves begin climbing into the trees as well. Bilbo tries to pull his sword out of the dead Warg's head, but it is stuck firmly. He continues to pull.

"They're coming!" Thorin shouted.

Dwalin boosts Balin up, Thorin, Bombur, and the rest climb up trees too. The main body of Wargs and Warg Riders approach. Bilbo finally manages to pull his sword out of the Warg. Esmeralda and Bilbo look up to see several more Wargs running at them. Bilbo grabs Esmeralda's hand and runs to the tree with her. They quickly clambers up a tree as the Wargs rush below them.

Dozens of Wargs circle the trees in which the Company members are perched. Gandalf reaches out with his staff and picks up a moth sitting in the same tree as him. Bringing the moth close to his face, he whispers to it; he then blows it gently, causing it to flutter away.

The Wargs cease their growling and turn as the White Warg, with Azog on its back, approaches slowly. Thorin looks at Azog in shock.

"Azog?!," Thorin whisper in shock.

As his White Warg growls, Azog strokes it and talks ominously.

"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?. I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain," Azog was taunting Thorin, but was also telling the truth.

Thorin looks stricken with pain and grief, realizing that Azog had captured his father.

"It cannot be," Thorin grief.

Azog speaks to his Wargs and Riders.

"That one is mine. Kill the others!" He ordered.

At his command, the Wargs leap forward and try to climb the trees. They jump as high as they can, scrabbling at the tree trunks and breaking apart branches in their jaws in their efforts. The trees shake violently at the assault, and the dwarves struggle to hold on. Esmeralda grabs Bilbo and lift him higher up to the trees.

"Drink their blood!," Azog growls.

With the weight of the Wargs climbing it, the furthest tree from the edge of the cliff, which several other dwarves are in, gets uprooted from the ground and begins leaning wildly. Esmeralda is trying to use her magic to stop the shaking and have the roots attack the wargs, but with the shaking she can't concentrate.

As more Wargs grab onto it, the tree tips over and lands on the next tree the dwarves, Bilbo, Luna, and Esmeralda jump from the falling tree to the next. Esmeralda used her magic to bring Gandalf to them. She then concentrated again on the roots of the trees. The roots burst out and grabs the wargs from the back and toss them to where Azog is.

Azog looked at his wargs in shock as they were thrown to him and he dodged it as some died because the rocks and branches went through their body. But even if Esmeralda is doing everything she can the tree that she and the company jumped from tumble to the tree they were on. This cause the trees to fall like dominoes.

All the dwarves, Bilbo, Esmeralda, Luna and Gandalf manage to jump onto the last tree, on the very edge of the cliff. This tree doesn't fall over. Azog laughs. Looking around in desperation, Gandalf spies a pinecone. He grabs it and uses his staff to set the pinecone on fire; he then throws it down amid the Wargs, who retreat in fear of the fire. Azog is startled and angry at the unexpected resistance. Gandalf lights two more pinecones and throws one down to Fili.

Esmeralda remembers she has her wand and quickly fires spells at them. Some of the wargs exploded, went flying, and were lit on fire. Luna follows her sister's example and many of the company look at Esmeralda and Luna with respect.

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