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The morning came too soon, the early light streaming through the curtains and pulling me from my restless sleep. I groaned, knowing today would be another marathon of celebrations or pre celebrations, whatever they call it. Indian weddings are really a handful—it's too hot here, and I don't know how I will sustain all these celebrations. The festivities are intense, and I was already feeling overwhelmed.

I stood by the window, looking out at the rising sun, and tried to mentally prepare for the day ahead. But amidst all the chaos of my head, one thought stood out, clear and unwavering: I would see her again today. Alya Rastogi. Just the thought of her sent a strange excitement through me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was something so interesting about her that drew me in.

From the moment I laid eyes on her, she had captivated me. There was a magnetic pull towards her that I couldn't resist. It was as if some invisible force was pushing me towards her. Back in my mind, a voice tried to remind me of the complications, of the boundaries I should be observing. After all, Alya was about to become my step-niece. I know all I should feel for her is affection as my soon to be niece but It was a confusing mix of emotions. Alya was too beautiful, too vibrant, to feel anything but just a pure affection towards her and nothing more. I sighed, running a hand through my hair, trying to shake off the confusion.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. "Yes?" I called out.

Alya opened the door, and for a moment, I forgot to breathe. Her brunette hair cascaded in soft waves, framing a face that could only be described as breath taking. Long lashes fluttered over eyes that sparkled with a light all their own, captivating anyone who met her gaze. Her olive skin glowed with a natural warmth, highlighting the perfect symmetry of her features.

As her hair fell gracefully to her perfectly structured waist, it moved like a silken curtain, adding to her enchanting presence. Every detail of her appearance was a testament to her beauty, a beauty that seemed almost otherworldly. She moved with a grace that was both effortless and mesmerizing, leaving a trail of admiration in her wake.

"Ready to go?" she asked, her voice soft but carrying an underlying firmness. She looked at me expectantly, clearly waiting for me to snap out of my daze.

"I don't want to, cant we skip it?" I said. I couldn't help but notice how her presence seemed to light up the room. There was something about Alya that drew me in, even if I tried to resist it. The morning sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to highlight her every feature, making her look almost ethereal.

"Expected! Given your grumpiness, I asked Sharma Ji to bring you a few clothes to home, but it would require your measurements for the alterations, so I will bring the tape and let me know," she said, turning to leave the room.

"No need. It's L, large," I replied, seeing no necessity for the tape. "I meant actual measurements of the chest and all," she clarified.

Man, where am I even at? "I don't know how to do it, you can measure yourself," I said, feeling a bit out of my depth. The thought of her measuring me seemed both awkward and oddly intimate.

Alya raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with my response. "Are you serious? Ushh, just stand in front of the mirror," she said annoyed. Her deft fingers pulled a rubber band from her wrist, gathering her luscious brunette hair into a bun that only seemed to enhance the elegance of her features. She stepped closer, the scent of her perfume enveloping me as she moved.

She took a roll of tape and began to wrap it around my chest with a focus that made my heart skip a beat. She didn't even look at me, she was determined and focused on the task at hand. But her proximity was intoxicating, and I could feel the warmth of her breath against my skin. Each touch was gentle, and I found myself captivated by the intimacy of the moment.

I glanced at her through the mirror, her eyes sparkling with concentration. Her olive skin seemed to glow in the sunlight, and her long lashes cast delicate shadows on her cheeks. She was so close, so undeniably beautiful, and the simple act of her helping me felt like the most romantic gesture in the world.

"It's done!" she said, looking up at me, noticing how close we were. Our eyes locked, and in that instant, The air crackled with an unspoken tension.

We were so close that I could feel the heat radiating from her body, my every instinct urging me to pull her into my arms. Her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of red, and I noticed her hands curl into small, trembling fists not sure what to do.

Her breath hitched slightly. The intensity of our proximity was both exhilarating and torturous for me, each of us caught in the magnetic pull of the other.

"You're just 20," I said, my voice strained as I fought to contain the wild desire coursing through me.

"21!" she corrected, stepping back and breaking our eye contact.

"Well, you're just 21 then," I replied, my voice softer but still tinged with the same tension.

"So?" she asked, her tone laced with amused defiance.

"This... tension between us isn't good," I said, attempting to be the responsible one despite the magnetic pull I felt toward her.

"Huh? I don't understand, there is nothing like that ," she shot back, though her voice wavered slightly.

"So you're going to deny it?" I challenged, unable to hide the frustration in my voice.

"Deny what? There was nothing, I was simply taking your measurements," she insisted, her movements quick and nervous as she grabbed her things.

"Whatever you say," I muttered, sinking back onto the bed.

As she turned away, I could see the flush in her cheeks deepen, betraying her composed façade. I knew she felt it too, the undeniable spark that had ignited between us. But she was determined to dismiss it, to pretend it didn't exist.

She gathered her belongings with hurried, jerky motions, her hands trembling slightly and left the room. Her bravado couldn't completely hide the truth. I watched her, torn between wanting to pull her into my arms and respecting the boundary she was trying to erect. 

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