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A month had passed since Alya and I stopped speaking, it felt like an eternity. We barely crossed paths, and when we did, it was like walking on eggshells. The absence of her presence feels horrible, leaving a void that nothing could fill. Then, my phone began buzzing incessantly, inundated with messages I reached my phone to check.

"Is it true that you fucked a 23 years?"

"God, you are crazy u slept with ur niece?"

"Sir, stocks are falling down cuz of the news"

"Seriously? How was it? Sneaking around?"

Each one was more vile and accusatory than the last, all centered around Alya and me. I felt sick to my stomach as I scrolled through the onslaught of messages, unable to comprehend how things had spiralled so out of control.

In a state of panic, I called my PA, Dev, desperate for answers. But his response only fueled my frustration and anger.

"What happened?" I demanded, my voice tight with anxiety and anger.

"Sir, your's and Alya's pictures together are viral on social media. We are trying to find who did this," Dev replied, his tone laced with disdain.

I felt a surge of disbelief and anger course through me. "WTF," I muttered under my breath, struggling to comprehend how our private moments had been exploited for the world to see.

"Sir, can I say something? You should have done better, you should have protected her," Dev said, his words dripping with bitterness and accusation. I hung up the phone in anger.

The news of our alleged affair had spread like wildfire across social media, accompanied by photos of Alya and me together. It was a nightmare come to life, and I was at a loss for how to stop it.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Elizabeth shouted from downstairs, as I ran downstairs, "See what they are showing on the news," Elizabeth said with trembling hands, thrusting the remote toward me. As I glanced at the television screen, my heart sank at the sight of our pictures and private moments splashed across the screen for all to see. The wedding pictures and pictures from our house.

Before I could even process the full extent of the situation, I found myself on the receiving end of Suman's wrath with a tight punch on my face. I could see the pain and anger burning in his eyes.

As Suman's furious gaze bore into me, he grabbed me by my collar, "How could you do this to my daughter?" he seethed, his voice thick with anger and disappointment.

Trying to calm the storm brewing between us, "Suman, please, I never wanted to hurt Alya," I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation. "I love her, more than anything."

But Suman's fury only seemed to intensify, his accusations cutting deep. "Love her?" he scoffed, as he punched me again on face. "You've brought nothing but shame to her and my family."

Suman's eyes narrowed, his jaw set in a hard line as he took a step closer, his towering figure looming over me. His voice trembling with suppressed rage, "You've manipulated and taken advantage of my innocent daughter, and I won't stand for it."

My own frustration bubbled to the surface, "I didn't manipulate anyone," I shot back, my voice rising with indignation. "I care about Alya, more than you'll ever know."

But Suman was relentless, "You've tarnished her reputation," he accused, his voice echoing off the walls with condemnation. "And for what? Your own selfish desires?"

My chest tightened with a mix of anger and sorrow, the weight of Suman's words bearing down on me like a lead weight. "You don't understand," I protested, my voice wavering with emotion. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

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