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The anticipation thrummed through me, tingling with excitement for the day ahead especially the night. But as I stirred awake, I found a note from Alex, cryptically mentioning "family stuff, I will come back before the wedding" . I couldn't shake the worry, but I pushed it aside, clinging to the anticipation of our night together.

The wedding was a whirlwind of emotions. Seeing my dad radiating happiness with his new love brought tears to my eyes. I was genuinely happy for them, for us. But Alex's absence loomed like a shadow over the celebration. How could he miss something as significant as his sister's wedding? It gnawed at me, I slipped into the sexiest lingerie I owned, hopping I can get him all wild tonight.

When he finally came in at 10, I was a mix of relief and frustration. His gaze swept over me, and I ran to hug him, his hands were on me, gripping my ass, his words dripping "You little slut, weren't you waiting for this?" His tone was unsual.

I couldn't help but laugh, his audacity always catching me off guard. "So now, Alex hall, feeling like talking dirty tonight, huh?"

Before I could even finish my sentence, he had me in his arms, tossing me onto the bed as a light weight doll thrown. "So, are we in a rush or what?" I said.

But my questions dissolved into the air as he didn't answer, he started unbuttoning his shirt. As I watched him, captivated by the raw masculinity he exuded.

"I want to talk to you first," I said, he didn't bother to answer me but got on top of me and said "I don't care, tonight just shut that mouth of yours" he said so absurdly, he commanded, his tone dripping with a chilling indifference.

Confusion gnawed at me as I dared to question his sudden shift in demeanor. "Alex, are you okay?" I ventured, hoping for a glimpse of the man I knew so well. But his response shattered any illusion of normalcy. His grip tightened around my neck, his words slashing through the air like a whip. "I said shut up!" his eyes devoid of the warmth I once knew.

Pushing him away, I stumbled off the bed, my heart hammering in my chest as fear coiled in the pit of my stomach. "What's wrong with you?", the words tumbling from my lips in a desperate plea for knowing what's going on.

But instead of an explanation, his only response was a cold sneer as he advanced towards me. "You want to get fucked tonight, and I will. So just shut up and come back," he growled, his words slicing through the air like a blade.

Tears blurred my vision as I watched the man I knew transform before my eyes, his once gentle touch now replaced by a violent aggression that left me trembling in fear. "Stop, you're scaring me," I whimpered, the words barely audible through my sobs.

His frustration boiling over as he unleashed his true feelings with brutal honesty. "You really thought you could be anything to me other than just a plaything?" he said, each word a dagger to my already wounded heart.

"Oh my god, this girl," he scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "Did you really think you were anything more than a cheap thrill to me? You are fucking 21, just a use and throw product"

The words struck me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling in disbelief as the truth of his betrayal sank in. How could the man I shared my dark secrets with, reduce me to nothing more than a disposable plaything? But as I stood there, grappling with the harsh reality of hiswords, I knew that the Alex I once knew was gone, replaced by a stranger whose cruelty knewno bounds.

"Was I nothing more, Alex? All those days, those moments we shared? Meant nothing?" The words choked out of me, the tears flowing, each one a testament to the pain he had inflicted.My voice trembling with the raw agony of realisation.

But his response was like a knife to the heart, his words laced with a callousness that cut deeper than any blade. "Please, that was just an act to get you to my bed. You understand, don't you? Just an act." His voice, devoid of any shred of remorse, leaving behind a hollow ache that threatened to consume me whole as I saw him.

"I hate you!" The words erupted from the depths of my being, a scream of agony born from the depths of his betrayal. My tears turned hot as I felt more anger inside me.

But he remained unmoved, his indifference crushing whatever remained of my shattered heart. "We can talk about this later. For now, let's just get back to the bed," he sneered reaching for my hand, his words became a cruel reminder of never trusting anyone again.

Unable to bear another moment in his presence and his touch, I lashed out, the sting of my slap echoing through the room like a gunshot.

"Never, ever show yourself to me again," I hissed, my voice laced with a anger born of betrayal. "I feel disgusted to even be in your presence. You disgust me Alex hall."

And with those final words hanging between us like a chasm too wide to bridge, I turned on around and left the room, leaving behind whatever man I saw and fell for, now all I see is a man that I hate to my guts. Now, I even hate the name Alex Hall.

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