Story I

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Nico sat cross legged on his bed, back up against the wall, reading. His cabin was dark and it was late-way past curfew. He couldn't sleep so he decided he might as well catch up on some reading, he had nothing better to do.

Suddenly there was a light knocking at his door. He looked up from his book and saw a shadow underneath the door from the light on the outside of the cabin door.

"Come in," He called. The door lightly cracked open with a creak. The person that stepped in almost surprised Nico. He thought maybe it was going to be Chiron, or even Jason, but it was actually Will Solace-his boyfriend-who stepped inside wrapped tightly in a blanket. Nico immediately perked up at the sight of him.

"Hey Will, what's up?" Nico questioned. Will didn't speak, he just closed the door after him and waddled over to the bed. As he got closer, in the light of the moon peeking through the blinds, Nico could see his tear streaked face and heavy eyebags. Immediately Nico was concerned.

"Hey, come here, are you okay?" Nico asked as he gestured for Will to sit down on his bed. When Will sat down, he collapsed his head onto Nico's lap, which surprised Nico, but he soon leaned into the sudden touch. He set down his book and began to stroke Will's curly golden locks. Nico always loved Will's hair, it was always so incredibly soft and it looked like golden fleece when he was in direct sun.

Will sniffled a little and leaned into Nico's touch. "I um...had a...bad dream...I can't sleep," Will replied, struggling to get his words out. Nico looked into Will's sapphire eyes sympathetically because he knew exactly how Will felt. Will had helped him through his fair share of nightmares, and now it was Nico's turn to return the favor.

"Do you want to stay here for the night? I can read and you can try to fall back asleep," Nico suggested, "I won't leave you," Will nodded a yes and wrapped himself tighter in his blanket as Nico picked his book back up, using one hand to hold the book, and the other to lovingly stroke Will's hair. He softly ran his hands through Will's hair, using the pads of his fingers to massage his scalp. He felt Will relax into the mattress and he could even hear his breathing slow down a tad.

After a while, Nico's eyes got droopy and he began to nod off, himself. Will was just too warm for his own good, he didn't plan on sleeping that night, but if he had Will, maybe he could try.

He adjusted himself and Will down farther in the bed. The blanket wrapped around Will was almost off completely, but he still looked sound asleep. Nico moved him and Will so he was laying on Will's chest, hugging him close. He felt Will's arms wrap around him and pull him closer. Nico sighed, content, and finally let his eyes fall closed, allowing sleep to engulf him.

Nico woke to the feeling of warmth all throughout his body. He was laying on his side. His eyes fluttered open and he was face to face with Will's chest. He could feel Will's arms wrapped firmly around him and their legs tangled together. He felt one of Will's hands in his hair, playing with it gently. Will stroked his raven black hair and curled it around his fingers. He felt Will twist it up gently, then release it, combing it through with his fingers, then using the pads of his fingers to lightly massage Nico's scalp.

Nico glanced up and saw a small smile on Will's lips. He noticed Nico move so he took his hand away from Nico's hair. Nico brought his hand up to Will's jaw line and gently brushed it with his thumb. Will smiled down at him and adjusted himself so Nico was now nose to nose with him. Will cupped Nico's face in his hand and ran his thumbs across Nico's features. Nico blushed madly, being this close to Will. Even though they had been dating for a while now, he still got flustered whenever Will was this close. Will smirked at Nico's blush and leaned closer, just enough for his lips to ghost over Nico's.

"Mornin' sunshine," Will said in a low sleepy voice against Nico's lips. His southern accent was always more prominent in the morning, and Nico loved it. Will's lips were so warm, Nico needed them against his own, pressing firmly, moving, soft, warm, passionate kisses. But Will didn't kiss him. He just merely rested his lips against Nico's, barely touching. It was driving Nico mad! So Nico moved his hand up to be placed on the back of Will's neck, and he pressed Will forward, into his lips. He kissed Will, just how he himself wanted to be kissed. He wasn't in the mood for games. He wanted Will's lips asap. So he passionately kissed Will. It started out timid, but then when Will started to move his lips against Nicos', Nico got more confident. He pressed their lips together hard. He wanted to capture all of Will, he needed to have Will all to himself. He bit down on Will's bottom lip, which caused Will to gasp. Nico swiftly slid his tongue into Will's mouth, causing Will to make a muted grunt in his throat. Nico massaged their tongues together, licking around Will's mouth, trying to savor the taste.

The boys stayed lip-locked, but their hands started to wander. Will's hands slid down Nico's sides and he placed them right on Nico's waistband, a couple fingers brushing under Nico's shirt. Nico played with Will's hair. He tugged on it slightly and tangled his fingers in the curls. Will's hands got more adventurous, because he slid his warm hands up Nico's shirt, making Nico shudder at the sudden warmth. Will's hands were electric, and Nico could feel the energy through Will's fingertips. Will slid his hands up farther, caressing Nico's small, yet muscular frame. He ran his hands all over Nico's chest, feeling every part of him that wasn't covered in fabric.

Nico exhaled against their lips and broke the kiss. He didn't go far from Will though. He moved just so he could take in Will's face and catch his breath. Will chuckled at Nico's, still very much flustered, face. Will slipped his hands out of Nico's shirt, which Nico immediately felt the lack of warmth from Will's grip. Will turned onto his back and Nico laid on top of him. Nico buried his face in the crook of Will's neck and sighed. Will wrapped his arms tightly around Nico and held him close.

"Thanks for letting me crash here last night," Will said suddenly. Nico lifted his head up, resting his chin on Will's chest.

"Of course," Nico said softly. He reached a hand up to caress Will's face. "I wasn't gonna kick you out," he remarked. Will giggled and moved his hand to cup Nico's face.

"No, I mean like, thank you for helping me. It means a lot," Will clarified.

"It was the least I could do, considering how many times you've helped me," Nico replied, smiling slightly. Will grinned and leaned up to kiss Nico quickly and sweetly on the lips.

Nico had just settled back into Will, when the door to his cabin burst open. Both boys jumped in surprise, but stayed together. "There you two are! We've all been looking for you!" The person who busted in yelled. It was Percy. Of course.

"Ugh, Percy! Get out of my cabin!" Nico groaned. Percy just stood there smirking as he took in the sight of Nico and Will cuddling.

"Only when you two show your gay ass faces to the rest of the world. You missed breakfast and it's already lunch time!"

"Percy! Get out! Besides we're tired," Nico grumbled.

"Why are you two so tired?" Percy asked mischievously, his smirk only widened when he made the innuendo. Nico's face flushed so red he thought he might explode, but Will just chuckled and hugged Nico close.

"No, Percy, I just couldn't sleep so I came to see Nico. He helped me fall asleep, and eventually we both ended up cuddling and were able to rest," Will explained.

"We didn't do that," Nico clarified, still bright red.

"I mean we did make out a little this morning..." Will smirked,

"Not helping Solace," Nico gritted his teeth. Percy just laughed and and went to leave, but before he shut the door all the way, he called back,

"Make sure you use protection!" At that, Nico got even more flustered, if that was possible, and buried his red face into Will's chest. Will just laughed and rubbed circles into Nico's back.


Okay! So that was my first one shot. Hope y'all enjoyed! I don't know how often I will post new ones, but I have a couple in the works right now, as well as the others I posted after this one. I really love how these turned out and I'm pretty proud of them :) I haven't ever done anything like this before, but hey! It's always fun to try something new!

Anyways, have a wonderful day/night, drink water, eat a snack, take care of yourself. You deserve it!

Love always,

Neptune <3

Q: What is your favorite book of all time? How did you come across it and why is it your favorite?

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