Story IV

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Nico was approaching the opposing team's flag. He could see it, tied to a middle branch of an old oak tree. He sprinted for it, but the forest became dark all around him. He could still make out the flag, but he had to slow down to a walk in order not to trip on anything on his way over.

Suddenly he felt a presence close by. He stopped in his tracks and waited. He made a 360 and didn't see or hear anything. Just as he was about to start heading back towards the flag, a soft, warm pair of lips landed against his cheek. He became awestruck and whipped his head around trying to find the culprit. No doubt it was Will, since the Apollo cabin was on the opposing side.

Just as he got out of his shock, he felt the same pair of lips smash against his cheek again, but this time it was the other one. He spun around again, confused, and flustered. Even though it was dark, his face was bright red, and he was sure that the person who was messing with him could see it too.

The next time the lips came to kiss him,  he was prepared. He reached out just as the person was closing in and grabbed them by their wrists. Nico thrust that person firmly into a nearby tree pinning them down so they weren't able to move. The person struggled and made a gruntled noise, but didn't reveal who they were. Nico knew who it was, just by the feel of the lips, just by the feel of that person's wrists, just by the sound they made as Nico pinned them against the tree. Then the person had the nerve to speak,

"You're cute when you're angry," yep. It was definitely  Will. Gods he was so infuriating! Nico thought. Nico leaned in closer to Will. He shifted his position so his leg was in between Will's and was pressing the lower half of Will's body down. He kept a firm grip on Will's wrists, pinning them on either side of his head. Nico pressed his body against Will's. He could feel Will's heart beating fast, Nico wasn't sure if it was from running around, or from their position, but he could see a faint blush across Will's freckled cheeks.

"Oh really? Well I'm about to be really fucking gorgeous." Nico replied in a sultry voice and he moved his face closer to Will's. He brushed his lips against the others' and kissed Will hard. So hard, in fact that Will's head was slammed against the tree with a thunk. Nico let go of Will's wrists, but moved his hands down Will's sides. He slid his hands under the armor and felt all around Will's chest. Will's breath hitched at the contact and Nico used that as a way to slide his tongue into Will's mouth. Will didn't complain, he loved when Nico was so direct like this and he never could get used to the feeling of Nico's hands roaming his body, feeling every crevasse, every dent and dip, every muscle, every area of fat, every freckle, that covers Will's body. Sure Nico only had his hands under Will's shirt and armor, but just the feeling of skin on skin contact made electric currents flow through Will. So Will placed his hands in Nico's hair and played with it as they stayed lip-locked. He ran his fingers through Nico's hair, twisting it around, tangling it, then untangling it, scraping his nails gently against Nico's scalp, then using the pads of his fingers to smooth it out. He moved his hands down to where Nico's hair met his neck and gently, but firmly, tugged on the roots. This made Nico groan slightly and press himself into Will even more. Nico lifted up the leg that was in between Will's and pressed it harder into Will's crotch. Will couldn't help but moan slightly at this. Nico pulled away from the kiss just enough to catch his breath, and as he did so, Will lowered his head and kissed down Nico's neck. He inhaled Nico's sweet scent and nibbled slightly at the sensitive flesh there. Nico shuddered in delight and gripped Will harder. Will scraped his teeth softly down Nico's neck and began so suck a couple spots. He bit down softly and sucked hard, creating red and purple blotches down the side of Nico's neck. Will gently tugged at Nico's hair to tilt his head back, so he could expose more skin for Will to suck on. Nico happily obliged and whipped his head up to the sky, his eyes half lidded. Once Will was done leaving dark marks on Nico's pale skin, he cupped Nico's face in his hands, bringing Nico's head down so they could look at each other. They were both madly blushing, but smiling like dorks. That was until Nico smirked as he looked up at the tree that used to have a flag tied to it.

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