Story XVII

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The moonlight shone through the window, lighting up just enough for Will to read using its glow. He was leaning against the window above his bunk, reading. He was tired from his day's work, but he couldn't fall asleep. The faint snoring of his siblings and the occasional monster howl from the woods made him feel at home, but he just couldn't sleep.

Then there was a light tapping on his window. Will whipped his head around and was faced with a dark shadow standing on the other side of the glass. Will startled, until he realized the shadow looked an awful lot like Nico di Angelo.

Will rolled his eyes as he watched Nico make elaborate hand motions and signals, ultimately telling him to meet him outside.

Will crawled out of bed, placed his book on his bedside table, and slipped on a pair of flip flops before sneaking out the cabin door.

He rounded the side of the cabin and saw Nico leaning against his window. Arms folded over his chest, one leg bent and propped against the wall. He had an amused expression on his face as Will approached.

"Hey sunshine," Nico said slyly as he pushed himself up from the wall and strode over to Will. He reached up and flattening Will's bed head.

Will rolled his eyes, a small blush on his cheeks. "Do you know how late it is?" Will asked with very little venom in his voice.

Nico smirked and stepped closer to Will. He wrapped his arms around Will's neck and kissed him tenderly. Will immediately kissed back, moving his hands to Nico's hips.

"I am very much aware of how late it is," Nico said softly once they broke apart. Something in his demeanor changed. His confidence had started to wear and he was avoiding Will's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Will asked. Nico bit his lip and glanced off.

"I was wondering if..." he trailed off. He looked to the ground and mumbled something.

Will didn't catch a word he mumbled. He was slightly concerned and he leaned down, getting Nico to meet his eyes. "Could you repeat that?" Will asked softly.

Nico huffed, faking annoyance. "I said," he took a breath. "Couldyousleepwithmetonight?" he let out in one breath, his face bright red.

Will froze, then he chuckled.

Nico took that badly and turned to walk away. "Never mind," he huffed. "Forget I asked," he mumbled, stepping back in the direction of his cabin.

Will immediately grabbed Nico's wrist and yanked him back into an embrace. Nico instantly relaxed into Will's grasp, feeling his muscles go slack under Will's hands.

"That sounds great," Will whispered. "I'm assuming you just mean cuddling."

Nico slapped a hand over his face in embarrassment. "Yeah," he mumbled into Will's shoulder. "Yeah, I just meant cuddling,"

Will chuckled and pulled away, moving his hands to Nico's face. Nico relaxed into his palms, his eyes already growing droopy from his boyfriend's warmth.

"Hard time sleeping?" Will asked, seeing his boyfriend's sleepy expression. Nico nodded. "Me too," Will said. He then moved his hands to Nico's shoulders and massaged gently. He felt the knots and started to work them out softly with his thumbs. He moved from Nico's neck to his shoulder, down to his back and hips.

Nico instantly felt his muscles grow limp. He leaned entirely on Will, not able to stand on his own. He felt his muscles ease at every touch. Will was always able to do that. He never knew how. Maybe it was his special healer's hands.

Will noticed Nico start to buckle at the knees so, he swiftly bent down, picking Nico up, and carried him back to the Hades cabin.

When they reached the cabin, Will gently placed Nico down on his bed. He took off his own shoes as well as Nico's and crawled in bed with the smaller boy.

Nico curled up into his side. A hand thrown over his torso, his leg over Wills'. Will adjusted so he was resting with his back propped up against the headboard. He played with Nico's hair with one hand, the other clasped with Nico's and massaging circles into his palm.

"You ready to fall asleep?" Will asked softly.

Nico tilted his head up and sighed. "I guess, but I don't know if it'll work."

"How about I tell you a nice, long, boring story," Will suggested, emphasizing it with a small peck on Nico's head.

"Boring?" Nico asked.

"Yes, boring. It'll help put you to sleep,"

Nico huffed. "I don't know. But I guess it doesn't hurt to try." he mumbled.

Will smiled and began his story.

"I had to go to the infirmary early this morning because we got new supplies shipped in. And you see, as head of the infirmary, it is my job to sort through and re-stock all the things we need. So, I walked into my office and started unpacking. We had received new bandages, types of tape, syringes, and gauze. Now the problem is that the gauze pads were the wrong size," Will sighed and took a deep breath. "So, as the resourceful demigod I am, I decided to open all the gauze and cut it into the correct size. After I had restocked, I sat down to do some paperwork. But when I went to turn my desk lamp on, the light was burnt out. So, I headed to the big house and searched around for a light bulb. I found one in the back of a storage cabinet. Then I headed back to the infirmary and ran into Kayla on the way. She was taking care of some kid who had gotten a stomach bug. Anyways, I replaced the light bulb and finally started filing documents. But as I went along, I noticed that files 4A and 4B were swapped. I also noticed that file 4B was gone. So I grabbed file 4A and searched for Kayla. I ran into her in the hallway and I explained how the files were swapped..."

About half way through, Nico's eyes felt impossibly droopy. He yawned and felt Will run his finger through his hair. He had stopped listening to the story and found himself drifting off to sleep.

Will smiled as he felt Nico still, his breathing slow, and his body relaxed into the mattress. Will stopped his story and laid there in his boyfriend's embrace, warm and comfortable. Will finally closed his eyes and slipped into sleep as well.


Hey y'all, sorry for the super short chapters lately. I've had a lack of motivation :(( I know the past few stories have been kind of lack luster and they kind of suck...

Well anyway, have a wonderful day/night, drink some water, eat a snack, take care of yourself. You deserve it!

Love always,

Neptune <3

Q: What's your favorite story trope? What type of cliche do you always fall for?

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