Story XIII

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WARNING: No Solangelo:((( BUT! it is still a wonderful chapter(especially if you love Sally Jackson--like I do;) and I recommend you read it's good. idk, personally I think it is very sweet. It is based off of a prompt I saw on tumblr. Also mild  suggestion of domestic abuse.


"Here you are kiddos," Sally Jackson said as she placed a plate of her famous blue chocolate chip cookies on the coffee table in front of Percy, Annabeth, and Piper.

"Thanks mom," Percy said. Sally smiled, then headed out of the room. Annabeth was resting against Percy's chest, her nose in a book while munching on a cookie, Percy was stuffing his face with cookies, and Piper settled against the arm of the couch and tucked her knees to her chest. The moment she bit into a cookie, her eyes widened.

"Percy, these are amazing!" Piper said as she reached to the plate to grab another one.

Percy smiled at her. "Yeah, my mom's cookies are the best. That's from sure,"

"I love your mom," Piper decided as she downed another cookie. Percy laughed and agreed. Silence fell between the three of them as they continued to stuff their faces with cookies.

Percy was playing with the ends of Annabeth's hair, lost in thought when he said, "My mom's killed a man..." he didn't even realize he said it out loud until he heard Piper choke on a cookie.

"I'm sorry, what?" Piper gasped as she drank some water to clear her throat.

Percy just chuckled, "Yeah Pipes, my mom's killed a man. Right Annabeth?"

Annabeth glanced up for a second before replying, "yeah," with a shrug. She then continued to read.

"That's even better!" Piper exclaimed with a grin. Percy just looked at her strangely. "What?" she asked. "Look, I don't know the story, but that makes her more of a bad ass!"

Percy laughed. "Yeah, mom's pretty great," he smiled fondly. "You know, after he died, she sold his body," Percy added.

Piper's mouth dropped. "What!? Now you have to tell me the story," she begged.

Percy laughed and gave Annabeth a kiss on the head. "Why don't you ask her. I'm sure she knows more details than I do." he said, settling further into Annabeth, like the fact his mom killed a man is completely normal.

Piper shot up and grabbed the empty plate of cookies to bring to the kitchen on the way to go find Sally.

Sally Jackson was sitting at the kitchen island with a mug of hot tea and a book when Piper came barreling into the kitchen. She immediately looked up, intrigued as to why Piper was so enthusiastic just to put a plate in the sink.

"Hey Mrs. Jackson!" she greeted, placing the plate in the sink, then heading over to where Sally was sitting.

"Hello dear," Sally smiled up at her from her chair. Piper shifted where she stood, suddenly getting nervous. Sally saw her demeanor change and asked what's wrong.

"Oh, nothing," Piper sighed. "I was just wondering," she bit her lip. "Well Percy and I were talking as he said that you've killed a man," Piper blurted, a light blush spreading across her cheeks.

Sally was surprised at first, definitely not expecting her to ask about that. Then she chuckled. "Well, that is quite the story to tell, dear," she said, pulling a chair out for Piper and gesturing for her to sit. Piper obliged. Then Sally stood up and put on water to boil for tea. "What tea would you like?" she asked, grabbing a mug from the cabinet.

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