Story XV

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Midnight skies wrapped around us as we drove farther from civilization. Will's hand was intertwined firmly with mine, one of his hands on the steering wheel, the other clasped with me. The only lights were the soft glow of the head lights and the bright reflections of street signs. The car stereo shone with a faint blue light from under the buttons and the screen was dimly lit with whatever music we had on. 

Will squeezed  my hand and glanced in my direction, his blue eyes catching the gleam of the headlights. He pulled off of the main highway to a dirt road that led up a hill. We climbed the hill, his truck having no trouble with the uneven bumps.

We drove for only a little bit longer, until we reached the top of the hill. There was a small clearing with plush grass. It was surrounded by trees and there was a small pond. Will parked the car and we unbuckled. He grabbed a bag from the back and then came over to my side, opening my door and offering his hand.

"Such a gentleman," I said, accepting his hand. 

"Of course Ghost King," he said jokingly as I climbed out of the truck, gripping his hand. I rolled my eyes, but then I let him drag me into the clearing. 

The sky was lit up with stars. The moon being the only light source. The midnight sky reflected beautifully off of the clear pond water. Will set the bag down and pulled out a soft green blanket. He laid it down in soft grass, next the pod. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down, causing me to flop on top of him.

"Will!" I shrieked, prepared to hit he hard ground. But instead I landed on him. 

"Sorry," Will said, not really sounding sorry. 

I rolled off of him and we lay on our backs, looking up at the night sky. I turned myself to look at him. He was resting his head on his arms, propping up his neck. There was a cool breeze that whisked through his hair, causing his curls to float like they were underwater. I studied his face in the glow of the moon. He always looked so regal in the sun. The sun made him glow, made him look stronger. But the moon made him look soft. The glisten of his skin was cooled, making his tan skin less golden and more pastel. His freckles reflected the stars. I always was able to trace constellations in his freckles, but when he was under the stars, soaking in the moonlight, the stars blended in with him. Becoming one.

I reached out and gently traced my finger along a line of freckles. He turned in my directions, a small, relaxed smile on his lips. He reached out and pulled me close. I lay with my head on his chest, arms wrapped around his torso. He rested with an arm around my back, pulling me to him. His other hand went to my hair, softly running his fingers through and lightly massaging my scalp.

"The stars are so beautiful," I whispered, gazing up and finding constellations.

Will leaned down and pressed a kiss to my head. "Not as beautiful as you, Nico," he whispered back.

I felt my face heat up. He always made me so flustered, it was so dumb. Yet it was amazing. I love how even though we have been dating for so long, and are engaged, he can still make me feel like that flustered teen when we first met. It's hard to believe I will be marrying this man. This perfect wonderful man. He always makes me feel so safe, so at peace. He's not only the love of my life, but also my best friend. 

I tilt my head up, and look at him from down on his chest. He catches my eyes and smiles. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I smile, soft and sweet up at him. "I love you," I say, tracing shapes on his chest with my index finger.

"I love you too," Will said back. "You make me feel whole."

I sit up, and he does too. His face is one of confusion, but quickly changes to joy as I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back with more intensity. I move my hands to his hair and he moves his to my hips, pulling me close, chest to chest. He gently lowers me down, hovering over me as we kiss. My back pressed against he soft blanket over the grass and he moves his kisses from my lips to my neck. I gasp as his warm lips drift down my throat, leaving small bites in their wake. His arm is around my waist, his hand supporting my lower back. His other arm holding himself up, over me. His hand supporting my neck. I tip my head back, letting him have more access. His kisses turn softer the more he kissed. He became less needy, but had the same amount of love behind each brush of his lips.

Then he pulls away and I let out a small whine. He smirks, but then kisses my lips, soft and sweet. He plops down beside me, still holding me close. We gaze at the stars together, wrapped in each other's warmth. 

"You make me want to live forever, just so I could spend it with you," I whisper into the comfortable darkness. When he doesn't respond, I look up. I'm met by his piercing blue eyes. The ones that shine like a summer's day in the sun, but like sapphires in the moonlight. I can see the stars in his eyes, literally, as he gently cups my face, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. The way he looked at me was like none I had ever seen before. He looked at me like I was his whole world. Like there was nothing else on this earth that would compare. He gently kissed the tip of my nose and smiled so brightly, it could've lit up the whole hill side.

We lay, basking in the starlight. listening to the soft sound of frogs croaking and crickets chirping. We spend a while out there, just the two of us, accompanied by the stars and the moon.


Hey y'all!

Sorry for the short chapter :\ I had surgery on Thursday and am still recovering. 

I don't know how consistently I will be updating because I will be starting school again soon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day. Drink some water, eat a snack, take care of yourself. You deserve it!

Love always,

Neptune <3

Q: Do you like the day or the night better?

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