Story VIII

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"Okay, di Angelo," Will stated as he turned to Nico, who was sitting on an infirmary bed, "Now, you have at least three days in here so you can rest and I can check you for injuries," Will had insisted on Nico staying in the infirmary, much to Nico's dismay.

"Really, Will?" Nico groaned, "I'm not that  hurt," Will just shook his head and walked over toward Nico.

"Nico, you have giant scars on your arms, and I'm fairly certain you've never been to the doctor's before," Will cocked a hip, staring down at the smaller boy. Nico huffed and rested his chin on his palm, avoiding Will's eyes. Will sighed and turned back to the desk, getting Nico's folder to check medical records. To his surprise, there was nothing there.

"Nico? You've actually  never been to the doctors before?" Will asked, concerned. Nico looked down and shook his head. "Well, I guess I have to do a full check up on you then," Will stated as he headed back towards Nico. Nico got a little nervous, what did this full check up  entail?

"Alright, I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt, if that alright with you," Will said, a light blush covering his cheeks.

"Take my shirt off?" Nico said, flustered, "why would I need to do that?"

"Because, I need to check your pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and also I need to check for any abnormalities when it comes to organs or anything like that," Will said, slightly exasperated, "do I need to explain to you all of the different things I must check for?"

"Fine," Nico said, lifting his shirt off. He was flustered slightly, but tried to ignore it. Will grabbed a couple things and placed them on the countertop near Nico's bed. He asked Nico to stand up, gesturing for him to turn his back to him. Nico did so.

"Okay, can you bend down and touch your toes for me?" Will asked. Nico complied.

"I'm gonna touch your lower back, okay?" Will asked. Nico nodded in response and he felt Will's warm hands on his lower back, feeling his spine, tracing his scars. Will patted his back, signaling Nico to straighten up. They then went to the scale. Nico stepped on, Will lowered the height measurer and wrote down the corresponding weight and height number on a clipboard. Nico then sat back down on the bed, his feet dangling off the sides. Will scooted over on a rolly chair, a small hammer looking tool in his hand.

"I am going to check your reflexes okay?" Will said, "I will hit a place lightly under your knee and your leg will have a reflex," He did so, placing one hand atop one of Nico's knees, the other held the small hammer and tapped it in a reflex area. It felt weird to Nico, but he just let it go. When Will finished with both, he wheeled over a blood pressure monitor. He velcroed the strap onto Nico's upper arm.

"Alright, so this is going to take your blood pressure. It will inflate and become really tight, but then it will release," Will explained, "it might feel slightly uncomfortable, but I promise it won't hurt,"

"It's fine, I'm used to pain," Nico said. Will gave him a sympathetic look. He started the machine. It got tighter and tighter. It was slightly uncomfortable, but then just as it got almost too tight, it released. That feeling was Nico's favorite. When all the pressure releases, and it goes slack. Will took it off, then wheeled it back to the corner.

"I am going to check your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth now," Will said. "When I shine the light, look at me, not at the light, okay?" Nico did so. He looked into Will's blue eyes, entranced by his golden features and bouncy curls. The freckles that dusted his nose and cheeks could make constellations. Nico resisted the urge to trace them with his fingers, settling on tracing them with his eyes instead. Then Will checked his nose, ears, and mouth. Will then listened to Nico's heart with the stethoscope. He placed it at Nico's heart, then under his lungs, then down farther on his abdomen. He asked Nico to breathe in and out, nice deep breaths. He then placed it on Nico's back, asking him to do the same. Nico couldn't help but blush when Will was this close, his stethoscope was cold, but his hands were warm. They were comforting, and Nico found he was less nervous when Will placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, back, or arm.

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