Thunder clapped in the distance as Will ran through the forest. He was completely drenched, the rain pouring down in sheets. Mud caked his boots and the cuffs of his pants. With each step, his feet quenched in his shoes. His clothes clung to him like cling wrap and the coat he was using to protect his head from the rain was soaked, making it ten times more heavy. His hair was glued to his head, plastered from the rain and his muscles ached. Will had no idea how long he had been wandering for, but he was helplessly lost.
Now you may be wondering how he ended up in the middle of a forest in a torrential storm. Well, you see, Will here is a courier and he was out delivering packages when his carriage crashed, sliding in the mud. Thankfully his horse had gotten away, but he was stranded in the wreck, in a lightning storm. Will had hoped that maybe the residence he was delivering mail to was close by, so he left the wreck and trudged into the forest.
Will was becoming hopeless. He had been wandering for only gods know how long and he was shivering, chilled to the bone. He stumbled over tree roots and slipped on mud. Fortunately a bush caught his fall. Unfortunately that bush was a rose bush and he suffered quite a few scrapes. He wobbled back onto his feet and continued. The mud slipping and sliding. Squidging under each step.
A loud clap of lightning struck and Will was able to make out the shape of a house in the distance. He thanked every god and started to make his way toward the house on a hill.
As he approached the house, it was less of a house and more of a manor. It was tall and wide, castle-like. It had turrets and large windows. The muddy ground turned to brick under Will's feet as he crept up to the door. It was a large wooden door with a skull shaped door knocker.
Will was thankful for the overhang by the door, protecting him from the relentless rain. He reached a shaking hand up to the door knocker and gave it two taps.
The noise echoed and the door creaked open. Will cautiously peeked inside, but it was completely dark. He gulped and stook a step forward.
"Hello?" he called. His voice bouncing off the walls. He would have waited outside for someone to let him in, but the door was open, he was freezing, and the air in the manor was warm. So Will stepped further inside.
The door slammed behind him and Will yelped. He turned around and saw a figure looming by the door with a lantern in hand.
"Hello?" Will squeaked. He was completely terrified, but he was hoping this person would help him out a little.
"Who are you?" the figure demanded. They raised the lantern and Will could see their face. It was a man, about his age. He was dressed in dark dress pants and a tucked white button up with the first couple buttons undone, showing a blanched chest. His face was regal and timeless. His pale skin reflected the lantern's light. His hair was of spilled ink that flowed into his face. He had a small pony tail at the nape of his neck, holding unwanted hair. He had stunning dark brown eyes and his leith frame was elegant.
"Um," Will gulped. "My name is William Solace," he said quietly. "I got lost in the rain and I was hoping for maybe some place to take shelter,"
The man regarded Will. His ebony eyes scanned him up and down. Then he glanced at the floor and stared at Will's muddy boots. Will glanced down as well and his face flushed.
"Sorry," Will said quickly. "I didn't mean to make a mess, I'll...I'll clean it up," Will moved to wipe it up with his drenched jacket but the man suddenly appeared right in front of him.
Will startled at the sudden close proximity and backed away. The man raised a hand and sighed. "No need," he said, referring to the ground. "I will have it sorted. In the meantime you shall change and draw a bath."

Solangelo One Shots (fluff)
FanfictionThis is basically just some Solangelo one shots. They are inspired by prompts I have seen. It is mainly fluff, some spicier fluff, a sprinkle of smut. I take ideas and recommendations, but I don't really love angst. Like I said, it is pretty much ju...