Jax & Kaitlyn Part 12

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Back at the hotel in San Francisco, Jax and Kaitlyn had just finished an enormous breakfast and were getting ready to leave. Jax called for a limo to come around the back to pick them up.

"I wanted to avoid the media at all costs. That's why I've called for a limo," he smiled.

"I confess I've never been in a limo before. I am excited," Kaitlyn shyly replied. She watched Jax with loving eyes as he walked over to her, holding his hand out.

"Good, that makes it even better. Are you ready for some fun outside this hotel room," he teased.

"Yes," Kaitlyn bit her lower lip, finding that the sound of Jax's deep, husky voice made her weak with longing.

Kaitlyn smiled shyly, took Jax's hand, and allowed him to lead her from their room to the enormous white limo that waited outside. The inside of the limo was so huge, big enough for six people. It had a television and a bar filled with the most expensive wine and whiskeys. She wondered how many women he had in this limo besides herself. Her unwelcome thoughts end when Jax speaks.

"The day belongs to you. We will go wherever you wish. Just remember, the sky is the limit." Jax grinned.

"I always wanted to see the ocean and walk barefoot in the sand, but I umm. I do not have a suit, Jax, so we can't do that. I guess maybe a picnic would be nice at the beach."

Jax smiled at Kaitlyn's words, then yelled for his driver to call the women's clothing store. He said he would tell them he would bring a special friend in for a swimming suit. Kaitlyn stared at him, wondering if anything was out of his reach.

"Jax, I can't let you get me a suit. I... It is just not right," she whispered. The only reply she got to her statement was a huge grin, followed by a kiss that melted away all her protests.

Kaitlyn was pampered and aided with all her clothing selections at the women's shop. She felt like a princess as they helped her try on many different styles that would complement her figure. She finally decided on one that was strapped around the neck. The suit was a deep-sea blue color with silver trim on the bottom. She walked out of the changing area and saw Jax smiling at her. An unmasked lust burned deep in his eyes. He did not have to say a word. She knew he approved of her choice. She smiled shyly at him, watching his eyes skim her entire body. His gaze trailed from her lips to her bare legs. He made her feel wickedly hot every time he looked at her like he was now. He stared at her like she was his favorite dessert. She wanted badly to tell him she changed her mind about the ocean. A newly awakened part of her just wanted to go back to the hotel room and have him make love to her again.

Jax paid the store clerk the money for Kaitlyn's suit. He then took her by the hand and walked back to the limo. He nearly lost control when he first saw her walking out of that dressing room in this suit that clung to her curves in a way that made his cock shift in his shorts. Inside the limo, his lust cooled when Kaitlyn asked him how much he spent.

"I can pay you back as soon as I get a job," Kaitlyn offered.

Jax laughed at her, "Do not worry about that, Kaitlyn. I promise you are worth more to me than any amount of money. I wanted you to have it, so I bought it for you."

Kaitlyn smiled warmly at Jax and nodded her head. Her heartbeat was wild in her chest as they finished their ride silently, just gazing into one another's eyes. She felt like she was home like Jax was the missing piece in her soul. She felt nothing but trust every time she looked into his unique eyes. She let her fantasy of their future together dance in her as he continued to watch her without speaking another word. She wondered if he, too, was thinking about what the future held.

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