Nick Part 9

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Nick woke up the next day to a naked, passed-out woman. Legs was still wrapped in his arms from their passionate sex the night before. He glanced across the room and saw Jax still in bed. Kaitlyn was wrapped protectively in his arms. Jax was usually the first one up and ready to leave behind whatever or whoever he may have done the night before. This time was different; he was not up and running. He was holding Kaitlyn as if his very life depended on it. The two were still dressed, so they had not had sex. Damn it, Nick vowed that he would make sure they did, but he had gotten distracted. Distracted by Legs and her hungry lips all over his body. She was by far the most tempting wench he had ever had in his bed. He would hate having to leave her behind today, but he was going to do it all the same. He loved having the freedom to be with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted. He was not letting any woman take that away, not even one as sweet and tempting as her.

Nick rolled Legs's clinging body away from his own as he exited the bed. He quickly dressed and awoke the other three band members, telling them to pack up and that they would leave as soon as Jax was awake. The three members did as asked, shocked that Nick had woken them, not Jax. They all looked at Jax, wrapped in this strange, innocent girl's arms. Like Nick, they wondered what made Kaitlyn so special to him. Unable to figure anything out, they decided to go about their business and pack up to head back on the road.

Bailey sat up in bed, relieved to find Nick sitting at its edge. He was smoking a cigarette, obviously deep into his thoughts. Her gaze followed him across the room to where Jax and Kaitlyn lay sleeping in each other's arms. It looked as if they never made love. Was it possible, she wondered, that Jax had not seduced Kaitlyn as he had herself and Jewel? She decided there was only one way to find out: she would ask Kaitlyn. She could hardly wait to hear all about it. She wondered if Jax was gentle with her or was like his usual rough, passionate self as he was with her and Jewel.

Bailey jumped from the bed and dressed. She was going to wake Kaitlyn and ask her right now until Nick smacked her across the ass. Before she could comment, he grabbed her dress, pulling her onto his lap. He began kissing her deeply. She decided her questions would have to wait until later.

Meanwhile, Jax woke up, afraid the last night had been just a dream. He was pleased to see it was not, that Kaitlyn was there lying in his arms in his hotel bed. For the first time, he felt at peace with himself. His inner demons ceased to exist. He thought it felt right this time as he looked at her angelic face. It feels like she belongs here with me now and forever. He had no feelings of rage or despair, only a calm peace.

Feeling Jax's eyes on her, Kaitlyn looked up to see him smiling. She felt so safe in his strong embrace. She leaned in for a kiss at the exact moment he did, and their lips touched ever so softly that they barely brushed against each other. Kaitlyn wished she could wake up to kisses like this every day for the rest of her life, maybe even after. The sound of Bailey's voice brought her back down to earth.

"Hey, Kaitlyn, can we talk? Will you Come with me out to the balcony?"

Kaitlyn got up from the bed and kissed Jax before turning to take Bailey's Hand. "Bailey, I hope you can forgive me for what I said last night," she asked sincerely.

"Forget that. Tell me how it was to lose your virginity to a man like Jax. Leave out no details," Bailey squealed in an excited tone.

Kaitlyn looked at her as if she were insane. "I wouldn't know we just talked; I like to go slow."

"Kaitlyn, that was stupid. You are crazy. You may never get another chance. They are all leaving this morning for Texas."

Kaitlyn was stunned that Jax had not told her he was leaving last night. She had poured her entire soul out to him, and he was leaving her behind already. Her heart hammered; damn him for not making love to me at least once before leaving me forever, she whispered to herself. She was shaking with rage when she stormed into the hotel room. She ran over to where Jax stood, making plans for the next big show. He looked up to see anger and hurt in her eyes; before he could speak, she yelled at him.

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