Reverand Martin Part 19

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 It was a lovely warm morning in Druid Hills, Georgia, as Reverend Martin got prepared for his sermon. Today, he was going to preach about the evils of famous people to all of the excellent townsfolk in church. He fumbled through the local magazines for any examples he could use against the famous and their sinful ways of life. So corrupt was this world as he looked through page after page. All through it was nakedness, lies, and filth. Suddenly, he was stunned when he saw a picture of Kaitlyn in this magazine. He could hardly believe his eyes; she was practically naked in a sleazy bikini. Her arms were clinging to a man. He was a man he could only describe as a servant of Satan with his tattoos and the solid black clothes that he was wearing. He read through the pages of this sinful display and discovered that this man was the lead singer of a band called the Seeds of Sorrow. Hmm, he thought, a truly fitting name for a son of the devil and his band of demons. The reporters had no idea who Kaitlyn was, and for this, he was thankful. How could a child he had reared be so deceitful, so evil? He should have known from the moment he had seen her that she was the devil trying to get him.

Reverend Martin had found Kaitlyn on the steps of his church one night 19 years ago. She had been wrapped in all black like some offering from or to Satan. He should have just left her there to die then and would if he had it to do over again. On that particular night, his wife had once again given birth to a stillborn child. This had been the third time in two years that this had
happened, and he was terrified that the townspeople would think the devil had a hand in it. Think that God had cursed his wife or him, so it was with all of that on his mind that he had picked her up and carried her to his wife, passing her off as their newborn. He believed she did not yet know her child had been stillborn again, so he laid Kaitlyn in his wife's arms. He was relieved she accepted her. As his wife nursed Kaitlyn, he disposed of their natural child's lifeless body so no one would ever know the truth. He should have known that sin would one day come back to haunt him. At this thought, he swore he would either save Kaitlyn's soul or destroy it by
Sending it into the pits of hell to at last be reunited with her true father, Satan.

The church grew silent as the townspeople waited to hear Reverend Martin's sermon. Today, he preached the many evils around them, the evils in people they all loved and trusted. He preached about the word and the wrath of God, that the wrath of God would bring the sinners their salvation while cutting down the evil. He said it was the only way to bring out the evil so they could be utterly and forever destroyed.

All the while Martin preached these words, his true thoughts were on Kaitlyn and the man she had more than likely fornicated with. He could picture her now lying naked underneath this man. He could see her face filled with passion and hear her crying out in pleasure like a whore of darkness. She was the devil's concubine. As these wicked thoughts filled his head, he found his manhood began to harden. Lord helped him, but he thought she was a witch. The devil's servant was even now trying to corrupt his soul by making a man of God like him think such filthy, sinful thoughts. He knew she had to be stopped one way or the other. He decided he would see to it himself that it was the only way for him to save his soul.

After church was finally dismissed, Martin went home to talk to his wife. He decided it was time she knew the truth about Kaitlyn. He would have told her the minute he found the photos, but she had not been present in church today. He usually punishes her for such a sinful deed, but Kaitlyn is his priority. As he walked up the steps of their home, he had a strange feeling he would not find his wife inside. He had a feeling she had left like some devil in the night. Perhaps Kaitlyn had already corrupted her soul.

Inside the house, Martin's fears seemed to become a reality. He found his house empty. On the kitchen table, he found a letter from his wife that read:

Husband, whatever that may be. I have left you. I never loved you or your precious god. I always knew Kaitlyn was not my child; I kept her to spite you. I saw the photos of her. I
Hope the two of you burn in hell together."

Shannon Kay signed the letter—not his wife or mother, just plain Shannon Kay. Martin went into a fit, smashing every photo of his wife and Kaitlyn on the wall. He was so angry that he cursed his wife, cursed her, and almost cursed his beloved god.

"Lord help me, give me strength to deal with the devil when it comes home. Lead me back into the light," Martin cried repeatedly as he swore to himself that Kaitlyn would pay for her wickedness.

She would pay for all the evil she caused on this day. He whispered once more to himself.

"Oh yes, Kaitlyn shall pay on spring break when alone. I will come for her."

As he whispered all this, he continued to destroy all that reminded him of his wife. He tore all her clothes, which she left behind to shreds. He sliced her pillow up and threw it on top of her ruined clothes. He took it all outside and set fire to it. As the fire burned outside, he walked back inside, where he got all her photos and other burnable items to throw into the flames.

Once it had all burned, Martin dowsed the flames with holy water. He prayed for his wife's wicked soul to be purified. Then he returned inside to plan for Kaitlyn to leave the college undetected. He decided he would have to either knock her out cold or drug her. He knew drugs were a sin, so he decided he would have to knock her out. He did not care what it took; he would return her here. He would make her repent her sins before he delivered her into heaven or hell. Either way, he vowed she would feel the wrath of God to the fullest. With all of this on his crazed mind, Martin said his prayers and got ready for bed. He had not the faintest idea how he would ever be able to sleep with thoughts of everything he must do. After a few hours of prayer, he drifted into a fitful sleep—a slumber filled with demons and the raging fires of hell.

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