Jax & Kaitlyn Part 20

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Jax walked out onto the stage, where thousands of fans cheered and praised him and the band. He wished he had called Kaitlyn before going on stage. He would have if he did not get distracted by a naked Jewels walking around backstage with her red hair hanging loosely down across her perky breasts. She was staring straight at him. He knew exactly what she was trying to do, yet he followed her into the corner backstage and almost let her kiss him with those tempting-lush lips of hers. It was just getting too damn hard to refuse his body's much-needed release. Even harder than before, with her constantly tempting him every chance she got. She knew just what buttons to push and when to try them. Jax honestly did not know how much longer he could resist her. He needed Kaitlyn now, not three months down the road. He needed her to feed the burning flame that raged within him.

Jax tried hard to push all these nagging thoughts of lust and love from his troubled mind as he finished the concert song after song. He put his all into the music to lose himself in the moment and seize all thoughts of Kaitlyn and her luscious body beneath his own. He released all the frustration and passion inside his soul with the music. He cooled the burn of his raging lust, healing the hole that was in his heart without her here by his side.

Jewel sat backstage, listening to Jax and the band's performance. She knew tonight was the night to seduce him; everything depended on it. Tonight, Kaitlyn would turn her back on him forever, and he would finally be hers. She had already put the plan into action, sending her a ticket and backstage pass to tonight's show. Along with the tickets, she sent a round-trip plane ticket to get there, pretending she was Jax. She went as far as sending a little love note with the tickets signed by Jax. She sent them a week ago and knew Kaitlyn would be there tonight.

It was all perfect, completely perfect. All she had to do was seduce Jax at just the right moment. She knew it would be a snap tonight since he had not had a woman in months. All she
He had to make sure he had a few drinks in him and a line of coke before he noticed her in his bed. Jewel could hardly wait to have those strong hands of his on her naked flesh. Feel his long hard thick cock throbbing inside her eager body. Yes, she thought, tonight he will become hers once again.

Kaitlyn stood in the back of the crowd, watching Jax sing. She was shocked that he sent her the tickets and backstage pass to see him. She thought it a little odd he had not called her about it. The note was a little off-key for him, but she was so anxious to see him that she dismissed all doubt that he may not have sent them. She took the first plane there and planned to take the latest one she could back to California the following day.

As she watched Jax perform, standing there tall, proud, and powerful, Kaitlyn smiled, thinking that even from behind the crowd, he looked like a God up there. He was so
Handsome. Every muscle in his body was flexed as he played his guitar with unbeatable skill. His eyes sparkled, showing his love for music. The very sight of him took her breath away. She could not wait to see that perfect mouth of his turn up in a grin. See the look in his eyes when he saw the dress she was wearing. She was confident they would sparkle even more.

Kaitlyn's dress was solid black satin, barely reaching her thighs. Underneath the little dress, she wore nothing but her naked flesh. Around her neck, she wore a tight black choker. Her hair was twisted into snakelike ringlets that fell to her bare shoulders. Tonight, she wore makeup, a deep red lipstick that stood out against her almond skin, giving her lips a pouty look, at least that is what Bailey told her. Tonight, she was determined to make whatever time she and Jax shared unforgettable for them both. She wanted him to be ruined for any other woman, be branded by her body's desire for him. Tonight, she would be the one to take him into carnal bliss instead of him taking her there.

Jax stalked off the stage as soon as the last song was sung. He quickly reached backstage, grabbed a whiskey bottle, and drank it until no drop was left. Tonight, he was going to
Drown all his troubles in a whiskey bottle or two. He drank shot after shot until he could barely stand. He wanted to numb his body's throbbing desires. After drinking all he could handle, he did his best to walk across the room from all the others. He planned to pass out in his hotel bed, but there he found Jewel lying in it completely naked, a line of coke trailing from her neck to her breasts.

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