Escalating Situation

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You and the Pomefiore boys step out of the room, immediately met with groans and wailing coming from below. The air is thick and a green haze is in the air. A bright, green light comes from below. Black crystal-like materials line the walls and ceiling, creating sharp stalactites that resemble claws.

Vil narrows his eyes. "The miasma's so thick here. I wonder if they've opened the Underworld gate?"

A small beep causes Rook to pull out a black device from his pocket, handing it to Vil. "Vil, we're getting a call on the transceiver!"

Vil takes the device. "Vil in Tower One speaking. Over."

"Leona here in Tower Two."

"Riddle Rosehearts in Tower Three. Over."

"Oh, great, you're all on the line!" A staff member exclaims. "This is control."

"What's going on?" Vil asks.

"The Underworld gate has started to open. Blot concentration is getting even higher. It's extremely dangerous for you all to be at the bottom of Tartarus. You need to get out of there, now!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Vil questions. "You expect us to just turn around and run back up the stairs? It took HOURS to get down here!"

"It was a rush job, but we managed to wrest a few Chariots from Ortho's control. We're sending three of them to you now. Go on and get in when they get there!"

Leona laughs. "Leave it to the world's nerdiest nerds."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment. We have to stop the Phantoms and the rising blot levels. So we're trying to manually shut the emergency hatches in sectors one and six of Tartarus. We'll seal them as soon as you guys leave. You have to get out of there ASAP!"

With a swish of air, a black blur races towards you. Stopping to a halt at the edge of the stairs. The black, bat shaped vehicle gleams in the dim light.

"There's the Chariot!" Epel points.

"Everyone, get in!" Vil shouts.

Vil and Rook hop into the chariot and Epel takes your hand as he helps you in. The black device cackles as Riddle's voice is heard. "What's that?"

"What's wrong, Riddle?" Vil asks.

"Look down below!" Riddle shouts. "Something's coming through the Underworld gate!"

You and the boys peer over the edge, looking down into the long tunnel. You see a blue glow hovering in the air.

"I see it crawling out!" Rook exclaims.

"Is it a Phantom? Wait, no! It's..." Vil's eyes grow large. "Idia!"

Idia laughs. "That's right. It's me!"

Your eyes grow large. Idia overblotted...

Idia is clad in black armor with glowing blue highlights. Blue flames erupt from his gauntlets and crawl up his arms. A black scarf wraps across his shoulders and drapes over his chest. Idia's tailcoat is shredded and glows blue underneath. He also wears a helmet that cover his mouth, only showing his eyes. A blue light shines from one of his eyes. His fiery hair is shorter and fans above his head.

He looks like Hades...

Idia cackles with glee. "Whaddaya think? Pretty sick, right? Oh man, I feel AMAZING. I never knew overblotting was such a RUSH! Well, guess what: I've joined the ranks oft he SSR Epic Troublemakers!"

Rook coughs into his hand. "More miasma is rising up from the gate! Goodness, it's dense..."

"Oh yeah, that's probably pretty debilitating for you guys." Idia snickers. "But when you overblot, all blot-based debuffs turn into buffs. So while it's doing a number on you, I'm gettin' sweet attack buffs. NGL you don't stand a chance. RIP! Now it's time to kick things off. Game, set, match. Gate to the Underworld."

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