Universe in Danger

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A massive creature steps out of the foliage and into the crash site. It resembles a shark with curled fins on each side of his head. He has blue eyes, but seemingly no pupils. He stands on large, elephant like feet and he only has three fingers on each hand. He has a pretty huge built and stands way taller than any of the boys. Finally, he wears a tight black suit lined with red brims and black gauntlets. You can make out some kind of gun in a holster.

Stitch darts behind you and hides behind your legs. Grim glares at him.

"Hey! That's my hiddin' spot!"

The two push each other, trying to shove the other away.

Ace steps back, eyes wide. "What kinda monster...?"

"Is that...?" Floyd finishes the thought.

Your eyes are wide as you stare at the massive creature. "It looks like a shark..."

Floyd grins. "Yeah, Little Shrimpy gets it! This dude's totally a big shark! Oh man, is this cool or what? Azul, check it out. It's a land shark!"

"Is that really a shark?" Azul adjusts his glasses. "That's even more dubious of a claim than the 'dog'. It's clearly more of a catfish than a shark... Wait, no. Catfish don't have such distinctive dorsal fins."

"A shark, walkin' around on two legs and wearin' clothes and everythin'!" Floyd laughs. "I ain't never seen that before!"

"I am not a shark." The creature says in a deep, booming voice. "My name is Gantu. I'm here on orders to take 626 to space."

Lilia tilts his head. "626? Space? And you said your name was Gantu? It's hard processing all of this... I never imagined encountering a situation this strange in my lifetime." He laughs. "How delightful. How truly delightful!"

Floyd folds his arms. "Dude, you're not makin' any sense. What's 626?"

Gantu points to Stitch who shoves Grim to the ground. "It's the label given to that experiment. Though nowadays it goes by the name Stitch."

Stitch holds into your leg and growls at Gantu.

"This monster's sole purpose is destruction." Gantu continues. "He's an evil, abhorrent defect. The whole universe would be in danger of annihilation if we let him roam free. Now, hand over 626. It's for your own good."

Riddle looks to Stitch in surprise. "Stitch was created solely for destruction...?"

"Dang, is that true?" Floyd grins. "Nice."

"Okay," Ace folds his arms. "I don't buy that 'whole universe in danger' spiel for a minute. But he does act pretty wild. I can see him being a hazard."

Jack flicks an ear in thought. "If he's that dangerous, we should probably hand him over."

Riddle brings a hand to his chin. "That seems appropriate, yes. And if this... Gantu says he's taking Stitch to space, that means he possesses a means of getting off the island, right?"

Azul nods. "Agreed. If we hand over Stitch, it could potentially help us negotiate a way out of here." Azul looks to you. "All right, Y/N. Hand Stitch over to Gantu."

Stitch looks up to you, his ears drooping.

Stitch clearly doesn't like him...

You look to Gantu, trying to look braver than you feel. "No."

The boys turn to you in surprise.

Gantu narrows his eyes. "What did you say?"

"Y-you heard me." You curse yourself for stuttering. "If Stitch doesn't want to go with you, then you can't make him."

Stitch smiles and hugs your leg tighter, almost as if it's a way to say thanks.

Floyd grins and moves to stand beside you. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. "I'm with Shrimpy. Why would I hand over this fun little dude? I'mma keep Stitch at school."

"You're KEEPING 626?" Gantu scoffs. "Are you serious?"

Floyd nods. "Totally."

Lilia stands by your other side. "Putting the matter of keeping him at school aside, I agree with Floyd and Y/N that we shouldn't hand him over."

"You're joking." Riddle says. "Be rational, Lilia!"

"Trust me, I'm perfectly rational." Lilia narrows his eyes. "You there, Gantu, was it? We've got no reason to take you at your word. You're obviously no ordinary... whatever you are. You carry yourself like a trained professional."

Gantu chuckles. "You can tell, huh? Guess you're far from ordinary yourself."

Lilia laughs. "Plus..."

Gantu quirks an eye. "Plus what?"

"I'm afraid Stitch and I are already inseparable bosom buddies!" Lilia grins. "If anyone isn't thinking rationally, it's the rest of you. Stitch is clearly much cuter and way more fun than Gantu. Is there anything in this world more important than being cute? I say there isn't!"

"That's not a rational argument at all!" Ace shouts.

Gantu hums, eyes narrowed. "What a shame. If you aren't gonna play nice, I'll have to do this the hard way."

Gantu marches his way over to you. As he gets closer, you realize just how tall he is. His massive feet leaving deep imprints in the ground.

"Eep!" Grim leaps to your shoulder and hides behind your hair. "He's stompin' our way!"

Jack flattens his ears. "He's even bigger up close... He's several times taller than any of us!"

Floyd steps in front of you, twirling his pen between his fingers. "I'm down with this. Getting to fight a shark on land? This rules."

Azul holds his hands out defensively. "Gantu, I am so sorry! This guy is a VERY quirky individual. He's a real handful for us, too!" He laughs nervously. "We'll do as you asked and hand Stitch over, so if you could calm down for a moment, we can talk this out and-"

"Ain't nothin' to talk about." Floyd narrows his eyes as he smirks. "You want him, come and get him. If you think you can take me."

"Stop taunting creatures we know nothing about!" Riddle shouts.

Gantu stops and folds his arms. "Look at these barely-evolved life-forms, copping an attitude with me. If you think I came here without a plan to capture 626, think again!"

Riddle's eyes widen. "What in the world? Everyone, look up!"

Looking up, you see a giant, black ship floating on the sky.

"A giant airplane...? No, a spaceship?" Ace's eyes grow large. "There are smaller machines coming out of it!"

Several objects fly towards Gantu. They hover above the ground at his side. They look like mechanical sharks.

"Sic 'em, capture-bots! Take out those mouthy lifeforms and retrieve 626!"

Floyd only laughs. "You wanna try me? Better give it your best shot."

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