Rudimentary in The Extreme

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The Track club finishes their lunch and you travel with them to the mines. After you say your goodbyes, you part ways with the boys. You wander through the mine and come across the Equestrian club. You see Riddle, Silver and Sebek examining the walls of the mine in search for magestones.

"Knock, knock, guys." Grim greets.

Silver looks up from what he was doing. "Ah, the record keepers."

Riddle smiles when he sees you. "Hello, Y/N."

You wave to the boys. "Hey, guys."

"Are you checking up on our progress?" Silver asks.

"Yes siree." Grim tilts his head. "Why are you just standin' around? Aren't you supposed to be findin' a magestone?"

Silver nods. "Yes. But swinging our pickaxes at random won't turn up much. Especially since this mine's been closed for a while. So we're going over what we know about magestones first."

Riddle tilts his head. "Do any of you know how to locate magestones and mine them?"

"We learned about this in class. Of course I remember it!" Sebek's booming voice echoes through the mines. "In general terms, magestones are gemstones that have been transformed by absorbing ambient magical power. You locate them by tracking the faint traces of magic they emit. However, doing so requires incredible focus. Typically trained professionals search for them. Since we're untrained, our detection radius is ten meters at most."

Sebek runs a hand along the wall. "Nonetheless, it's better than digging around arbitrarily. Checking every centimeter of this vast tunnel would be a fool's errand. Once we've identified a general location, we can commence digging. We'll start by using the pickaxes to chip off the wall's weathered, brittle outer layer. Then we'll use hammers and chisels to remove the magestone from its rocky encasement. THAT IS ALL!"

Riddle nods in satisfaction. "Excellent overview, Sebek. You certainly paid close attention in class."

Sebek chuckles, grinning proudly. "I suppose there are worse things than receiving a compliment from the head of the sophomore class. I accept your words of praise."

Silver tilts his head. "Wow, Sebek. I have to hand it to you. You always do so well in class. I should take a leaf from your book."

"Please, Silver." Sebek rolls his eyes. "If I graced you with a leaf from my book you'd probably just fall asleep on it. These facts are rudimentary in the extreme."

Grim folds his arms. "I dunno about that. I don't remember any of that from class."

"Well, we've finished our review." Riddle says. "Let's get to work and find a magestone."

The boys spend some time excavating in the mines. They find a couple magestones but they're all much too small for the requirements.

Silver finds a small purple crystal that matches the color of the gem on Grim's bow and that of your uniform. He glances over to you where you talk to Riddle about something. Silver puts the crystal into his pocket, wanting to use the materials back at camp to turn the crystal into something special.

"I've found one!" Sebek shouts as he comes rushing over.

Grim holds his ears. "Sheesh, turn down the volume, will ya? My ears are ringin'."

Sebek glowers at the cat. "Why are you complaining? I've found a fragment! Look!"

Sebek holds out a small magestone.

Grim scoffs. "That's a tiny one! It's just pure dumb luck you found it!"

Sebek scowls. "Nonetheless, it meets the size requirements! That takes care of our task."

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