You must fit in

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When I was in third grade, my mother had a talk with me that I had a fit in, and that scared the shit out of me to be honest with you. I didn't wanna fit in even as a young age of 13 I didn't wanna fit in. I wanted to be well who I was supposed to be like God turned it or whatever created the universe intended so that being said, I told her I wasn't gonna fit in. I wasn't gonna kill myself. Just trying to look like the other girls or like Britney Spears still to this day I know that eating disorders and boulimia and stuff like that are very rampant, but they weren't as bad as what I don't know what the statistics are, but When I was a kid, they were pretty prevalent to the point where they were an epidemic and I said I was gonna add the epidemic by not giving a crap sass about what other people think I should act or look in this case I was going to do what the hell I wanted to do For the life of me!
Remember, I was 13 years old. My mother told me to fit and be like the other girls and I said there's no way in hell am I gonna eat air meaning I was going to end up eating nothing at all just fit in wonder why she was so damn skinny to begin with at the time , that being said I didn't wanna fit in if it was gonna cost me this at the time was my health the second time I was gonna be my ancestry and integrity but in that case I didn't wanna go and fit in for a mini reason that being said, I was very interested in being who I am when I was 13 at the time I was a bookworm steal this day obviously, if you were to see my room that is infested with books in my group home you'll know that I have an exactly grown up in that area that book reading and bookworm is still a thing with me as if it is engrained in my DNA!   That is something that I'll tell you this will not end and it's not gonna end until the day. I enter the spirit around that being said it's not gonna end so when I wanted to read, the other girls would make fun of me or exclude me from activities when I was a kid that being said, I could've cared less at the time because the parties were starting to be cold and there was starting to be some sexual stuff in parties, yeah that being said I just rather be alone and be with my book to read a book a day. I still do to this day. Read a book a day if I can keep the circumstances, right I almost finished a tome, get that! A tome is a book that is 1000 pages or more. That being said I was halfway finished. This particular said type of book a few days ago and one settings that being said, it was very interesting to see that I haven't changed or grew up in that regard for my lover box, I ever as I said it's gonna have to take me a trip to the spirit and a real permanent trip to the spirit world for me to give up books and I am pretty sure where I'm going in the spirit realm. There are books because well I don't think I'm going to hell anytime soon am I perfect no but am am I good? Yes!  
To be honest with you and my mother would have these weekly talks about fitting and went out just after 13th birthday, which I found very annoying. I was gonna find ways to be. I get everything in my power. I would do what she said the opposite way of doing what she said and do my way or it was gonna be the highway it was that simple. I didn't care at this point. I was gonna make my point across that I didn't give a shit. It wasn't until when I was 17 when I realize that I can stretch or gauge my ears and see how big I can get them that I finally broke the cycle of fitting in!


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