Christmas party 2023

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That much said I was able to get my job done and that was fine!2 hours was the best I can do because of the Christmas party! Something that I was looking forward too! And it nearly good ruined by my road rage! Let's say I cannot drive while having PTSD for a good f*cking reason! And I was the passenger that was the very said part about it!   I hate other drivers and construction workers especial construction workers as they decide on their terms when you can drive! It was a f*cking f*ck up if you ask me! And the person driving wasvery disappointed in my behaviour, I was too with my behaviour and I was that the asshole!  You can imagine that I wanted to hide from everyone! Effectively ruining my Christmas party - nearly!  It was not untill I got upstairs that I was able to let my hair down and finally relax! I was able to get the Christmas presents and some snack!   I was usually quiet but I am at these things even though I know everyone still! When I got my Christmas puffs on and started to relax I was able to forget about the incident to and from work!  It is coming up to the shortest day on that planet the winter solstice! And that usually effects my day!  Let's say I am not a fucking vampire that can live with out light!  And I am not the only person that suffers from SAD! seasonal affective disorder! It's a form a depression that comes and goes with the seasons! It's a sign of an EMPATH, as well as anyone who is spiritually gifted! If they have the sad! They are spiritually gifted!   An EMPATH is someone who can read other people's emotions and can detect malicious intentions too! Clairvoyant is to be able to connect with the spirit world! And even one knows what a psychic is! I am EMPATH, clairvoyant and psychic! I am also I a star child!

I got my picture taken with Santa today while I was getting my presents. That was very interesting indeed and I was able to get what I wanted for Christmas some face paints called planet toys as well as some sponges for my face pain as well as an acting book or colouring book, I think it's called! It was very interesting indeed to see that I got what I wanted, which was the planetoid In the first place, because I wanted to do that when I was doing my face painting class and I wanted to bring a at home. Since then I've had them on my Amazon back card for quite some time and I've been trying to get them now I have them in my grass! Yes, I do a face painting class back in October! And it was fun, and I had my own ideas of doing my face painting. I am more of a juggalette so that insane clown posse them will be there! As well as pagan and shamanic mail up will be in the go!   I cannot wait for tomorrow to break this sh*t open and use it for juggalo make up! This should be fun!  And I really can not wait!  Don't be surprised if I put my face paint on in the middle of the night just to see what it's like. And I already know where it's like from my face painting classes but I really want to do juggalo make up! Like violent j or shaggy 2 dope! That being said I have been down with the clown since I was in kindergarten......believe it or not! I will be use this stuff I can just imagine from the face that I wanted to use this for since my face painting classes two months ago!   Also I have someone I can inflict this stuff on too! Laugh out loud!  One of my friends was at the face painting class, and I'm able to work on her face as well so that should be interesting as well as mine but mine I'll be a little bit more and more juggalo and creative! As I have an eclectic personality. That being said, I enjoy having this unique personality! I will be happy to use them tomorrow. I don't know what drug design I will use them if it's gonna be the same as shaggy 2 dope or violent j! I will finally show my true colours!

This is exactly the stuff that I got for Christmas sponges, face paint, and some Xan moment colouring books. It's gonna be very interesting to use the stuff and the new year and see where my modelling will go with the face paint as well as the sponges! It'll be very interesting. What ideas I'll come up with for painting my face other then juggalo facepainting! also, I'm gonna be quiet in the Christmas fear for quite some time, and I also got some strange sparkly ears that make me look like a water molecule. That's very interesting indeed and I will be wearing them on Christmas as well as my birthday birthday as well. I'm hoping. I'm very interested in looking different and being a unique different person to begin with. I don't think that, everyone should be exactly the same or should be similar or to fit in. I think people just be themselves and who they are and if I want to look like a water molecule so be at! That being said, it's very interesting to see that I look like the tattoo that I got two years ago. It was very interesting indeed and I even want as far as to take a selfie with me, vanishing the tattoo with the molecule ears and I was going around, making the same face expressions that match the tattoo as if cosplay!   I am very excited indeed about the stuff I got, and the idea that I was able to tell you some of the stuff the people were cooking last night for today! As far as my job was concerned, I was able to do what I had to do within a finite period of time. It was very interesting to get everything three hours worth of work done in two hours. That being said, I wish I could've had the three hours to do the four work and be able to get more money! I'm not usually a money oriented person, but I am trying to save up for a tattoo and if I can go three hours four hours at my job, that would be a lot better than a kick in the ass!

Oh, so I was able to relax when I was doing work, but when I was getting back I was back in my foul mood again, because I just wanted to get to the party and not have to worry about the construction workers and this have these Twitter that were going around not driving properly or they were designed to let you go on their terms. That being said, I found that very aggravating in need, and I really rather not think about that, but that's basically why boiled down who was my terms were more important than theirs at the time! So I thought at the time. I didn't think that it was going to get me into a pile of sh*t in the begging and had to collect my self!   As I said I am an EMPATH, clairvoyant and psychic so the weather f*cks me up quite abite! It was even know by mother that I had S.A.D. and that I was also a huge light worker! Ie, clairvoyant!  And another tid bit is that the full moon screws me up even more! Sometimes I can handle a full moon and some cases I am the b*tch which is a sign of my Wierd abilities if you were to call them that! Some people would even said that I am crazy at least the ultra western people who believe in nothing but science! I hate those people! "Ghost don't exist!" "Whats a Sirenhead" bullsh*t like that! I cannot stand people who don't believe in anything except at face value and have no morals! If you believe in something at least there is something to stop you for doing something immoral! 

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