Yule 2023

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I don't know what to say 3 o'clock in the morning the witching hour again and I woke up from a very bad nightmare with regards to doctors! There was a doctor in a dream that I was having last night turned into a Nightmare when I found out, it was beginning to get a little too gory for my own taste. That being said, I was terrified about what was happening I tried to change the dream to be a Shopping spree, but it even turned into a nightmare there very exact same nightmare that I had about the goddamn doctors! There is something about doctors that gets my dander up for some odd reason. I don't know why, but it just gets my dander up! In this case the doctor was forensic pathologist, who was doing godful experiments and subterranean plays, and was very horrible to begin with. I saw his gastly creations as I was going through the subterranean labyrinth to get to his lab. It was kind of disturbing to tell you the truth that smell and the idea that the labyrinth kept coming back in the dream for some odd reason I don't know why, but that was the case It was really disturbing seeing some of the craft that he was that being said I was pretty disturbed. It was reminiscing of a childhood memory you would not Believe half this shit, but this is what got me in the martial arts in the first place. Was your idea that doctor can be so cool to people. That being said, I remember going to the hospital and looking in the wrong there is an autopsy being done in that other side of the window and I got chased around the block by the pathologist for a couple of hours around the town before I could finally go home and find peace and safety! That's what got me to think about martial arts in the first place before I ended up being a clear cut grass or according to my principal and grade age. That just intensified my training if anything else!

But do I like doctors. No, I do not. I never really liked them to begin with even as a kid they kept doing something painful to me that was awful particularly the tonsilitis surgery, which was not very fun and I woke up with an IV in my hand and I ripped it out if I remember correctly without any qualms, if I remember correctly, it was more painful inside my hand that it was outside and I lost my shit as a toddler and ripped it out. As well as I was screaming, bloody murder for most of the night and they thought they were going to have to keep me because of my behaviour was dangerous at the time, but it was just because I just couldn't stand them instinctively! It wasn't until I found out that the files I learned about the human experimentation in the 1930s and 40s for example and all these disturbing things the doctors can do that cause me to wonder if they are the spawn of hell! That being said that did not help my situation, and I also believe that I was going through some problems when I was being chased by the medical examiner when I was 13 years old, not anything mental it was just something that I was doing that I shouldn't have done in the first place I guess this was karma that was telling me I shouldn't be doing half the shit I was doing the first place! At the odd time, I have these dreams, or should I say nightmares, which are nothing more than intense to begin with. That being said, I'm not very happy about having this dream. But at least I had somewhat good night, except for the nightmare or intense stream. That being said, I'm not exactly happy about the idea of being someone's scape goal because the autopsy didn't go the way they wanted when I thought when I was a kid and I got chased around with a nutcase with A powerful muscle relax, and a scalpel that was already bloody. That being said, I didn't enjoy having a beat this descriptive, but I always have these nightmares about doctor from some odd reason. It's addition to my PTSD as they were not helping the fact when I was a kid would be chasing me around the goddamn town! Acting a fool and not being very nice. That being said, I'm not very happy about doctors northern existence. I'm all doctors are buggers that being said, that's the polite way of saying what I have to say About the situation they're not very good people. In my opinion they don't have anything worth the pinch Oh shit about what they have to do they say they do harm but they do harm anyway!

Also, I've been dealing with a lot of emotions because of the goddamn traffic problems that I had Yesterday morning that really irked me so maybe that was the Reminence or residual Emotions that I was feeling at the time about the goddamn construction workers and the idea of being late for the party that was pretty stressful on my end and I did not handle it very well. I must admit that! Yes, see yesterday's post about the Christmas party that I nearly missed and other things that were pretty Castro fix. Particularly nearly missing the goddamn Christmas party was traumatic for me and I did not handle it. Well I will admit that and I was an asshole! But reflect how I feel in my dreams I don't know what the hell goes on in my head when I decide to go to sleep if the brain goes on the gerbil wheel or anything like that! I call it the goddamn squirrel for some odd reason because it act like a squirrel and you fall asleep and you could have anything from a good dream to a nightmare like I had last night! Or this morning one of the two I don't know I got dark out.   It will be dark out for quite sometime as this is the winter solstice or you one day closer to Christmas. Thank God and I can just take a real good mental crap. That being said, I'm very happy that Christmas is coming and that it doesn't have to end with the Christmas party. It can continue on. Until New Year's at least and the New Year's. I am at least trying to Get a few things done that is gonna be an ambitious year for 2024! Particularly that I'm trying to get a hold of of an idea for a graphic novel as well as I'm interested and other different things like trying to work on my goddamn temper would be one! As well as trying to get more sleep I think those are the three big ones and trying to get that tattoo that looks like Sirenhead! You know the one with the morning glories that's the one I'm trying to get for my right Inner forearm and try to be done with that for a little while and maybe hopefully I'll have enough money left over for a laptop. That would be very interesting indeed. To have a laptop would be very interesting indeed that would be very easy because then I can continue my writing without screwing up my iPad without the idea that it can die at any second not that my iPad will die at any second but you know what I mean the battery life can be a bitch!

There are some things that Santa can bring in. There are some things that you have to bring to yourself like tattoos piercings, and laptops. That being said, I'm very interested in seeing what the The universe or whatever created, the big bang will have in the store for me. That being said, I'm very interested in getting a laptop but cheap one at that because I am not very expensive girl. Even though I've been Doing overtime at my job and I've been doing a very good job with my job. I still believe that I just need to save up a little more for a goddamn laptop! It is for gaming purposes only as I'm trying to get second life and I'm trying to get a hold of my IMVU without any problems as well as other things that may need to be used for a personal computer that I do not have at the time. That being said is very interesting to see where the idea of this might after I get the tattoo!

That being stated, I'm hoping that I can get both tattoo and body piercing as well as the laptop and maybe another tattoo. If I can applicably get the laptop, that would be wonderful in question and then I wouldn't have to worry about half the stuff and the iPad dying half the time and stuff like that. That being said would be very interesting to play games on the computer and try to just relax and enjoy things That you cannot really do in the world or or the world! Which was kind of strange because the dream that I had last night was more last video game oriented which it was very strange on my part. I usually like video games to begin with gamer at times two times. Except I don't like the steam powered games that they have these days so pretty expensive! For example, I got the Back rooms for free on the App Store and on the Google play store for free without any qualms or an app purchases that being said, I've been very interested in playing it, but don't have the time to play it from time to time! That being said, is very interesting to play The back room is very interesting to try to avoid the extra box as I think they're called one of them being siren head. Which is kind of strange, but well that is what it is I didn't think so. I had would fit in with the back rooms, but it turns out he did!

I found out through a game that he was able to go into the back rooms as well but he doesn't sound like the usual siren head. He sounds like a blathering imbecile instead and that he will come and attack you. It's kind of interesting to play both back room games! And to be happy, knowing that they were free. That being said, the first back rooms is a bitch to play because you have that grid like thing, spoiler alert if you haven't played back rooms and you can actually fall into the grid and never be seen again that being said, that's kind of a pain in the ass, but it's a lot more fun than playing again which I must tell you I had beaten was the game play I was able to beat the game without any issues since I started it four years ago almost 5 years ago actually. When I realize I can play it for free on the Google store. That being said, I've been trying to play it and I only could get so far and I went the whole way all the way if you were to say that!  Yes, I beat all seven pathogens in the game of plague Inc. it was kind of interesting now I have nothing very much to do nowadays because all the online games are for kids and I'm not really a kid and I don't like kids stuff. God forbid if I get pregnant and I have a kid I'd have to give the kid up for adoption dress so I could be able to, enjoy the stuff. I usually enjoy without getting yelled at or censored! Or having my entertainment, which would be a pain in the ass, and a drag, to be honest with you!

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