Halloween dance

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This is my make up that I did today for the dance. As you can tell, I was able to do a tree I was going to do a poppy tomorrow as in the flower but that changed but anyways let's see these beautiful pictures I've taken they kind a look like navy seal camouflage paint right now because I'm not too good with face painting right now, but it'll get better over time I believe. I remember that on the 31st of Halloween that this is gonna be the day when I dress up like Dale Gribble I will give you an update on Dale grandma later. As I said this is basically it is the tree there is so many different story mythological things about trees for one trees, always fascinated me like a. For example, if you knock on a tree, you were ours, the spirit of the dad to wake up to do a favour for you supposedly that you believe. But there are other symbols of the tree like tree of life in England in Celtic settings, as well as the bodhi tree in buddhism, which is very important, so I always like trees are the easiest thing to draw I will show you tomorrow my drawings of trees one day, but anyway, it's just a hater branch off and then branch off to another branch and stuff.

Most of the pictures will look the same. I must warn him but they're the same damn design that I did today. It took me all afternoon to get this design set up. It was very interesting to see that I wanted to be a tree or some kind of plant life form instead of some thing, a human or Cryptid why is this is basically a face in in a tree in the Bindi is about the lights on more or less the MOTi tree. If you were to say that where Buddha got his enlightening retain Enlightenment from the tree, the bodhi tree is very important to my people who live in Tibetan still live in Tibetan haven't had been bred out my other groups if you were. I am very happy to say that that's one thing that made me want to be a tree but also there was this it's spooky. Wanted to see a tree in the moonlight anyway so that being said, it's very important for me to go and look at a Moon and see the spookiness and stuff that come with it. That being said, I was very interested in how it turned out. It may have turned out when I got back to the house like I look like a Navy seal, but other than that it was just that was basically what it was supposed to be was a tree and I did not clean my neck goddamnit. Other than that I was the thing I was doing I was trying to follow a template. I had taken courses on face painting so I try to exploit that is well, with the skills that I've used to face paint in order to go and actually create the tree that I wanted. I will tell you one day how to do it, but it's kind of hard.

So he didn't get a taste of what I was doing all afternoon for about four hours straight trying to get the make up right. And I had to wear the make up another four hours before going to the dance. I will tell you more about the dance later on but anyways, this is basically me with my artistic skills in using my Pagán, make up skills and the actual skills of a face painter to see where that comes to play. Also, FaceTime does use one time in many cultures to scare away the actual evil spirit. Most of them would be evil spirit being the people who died of suicide, unfortunately them, as well as people who died of drowning and accidents, as well as certain deaths. This would be similar to my mother as she had a sudden death. She did not drown or killer self but she did have a very sudden death as I remember correctly I will tell you that on the anniversary of her death. Other than that I'm not gonna mention that, but those are the kinds of spirits, since you want to avoid at this time of year is samhain Halloween. I would not recommend talking to your dead mother, who died very suddenly last year address to cope while you're going trick-or-treating because you never know they are actually going to be right there to possess you or something I think that's what the legend was. And Maddie call Teresa. This is been the same in many European and indigenous cultures as well so this is kind of an interesting thing that the make up was to avoid the the late people who died suddenly at this time of year they become demons, which is kind of strange, but it is true. There's only one other time one of the Halloween comes out again we have two of them one in May, and obviously the one in October the one in May is just as dangerous if you were to talk to her dearly departed mother who died of a sudden death just as an example. So this is one the people you love can become very dangerous when they have been dead for us so long is kind of a strange concept, but face paint, and costume seem to be the way to scare these dead relatives off.

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