one - taylor

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"Don't give me that face." Tree told me as she took the contract back, tucking it into the folder she held. "You know you need this; things are getting out of control."

"Yeah but I don't get why you couldn't find a female bodyguard. I mean I have to live with the guy!" I complained, leaning back in my chair and huffing slightly. Tree meant well, and I knew it was the right thing for me at the moment, but living with some guy I hadn't even met yet didn't sound like the most fun. I'd only just got used to living on my own after Joe had left without a word two weeks ago. I didn't know if we were even still together.

"Taylor, he's the best." Tree patted my shoulder. "He comes very highly recommended, and I hired the best person who could ensure your safety, not the one I thought you'd get along with the best. You know it's not about friendship, it's about security."

"Yes I know." I grumbled reluctantly. "Thanks Tree, you know I really appreciate this." Tree smiled, giving me a little wave as she left. I heard the door close behind her and sighed, looking around at my apartment.

I knew I needed better security, and that was why I had agreed to try out this live-in bodyguard. People would soon start to notice that Joe and I weren't being seen together and they'd talk, and there'd be more attention on my ass everywhere I went. I didn't have a clue what was going on with me and Joe, but we'd been fighting and I was pretty sure he'd been cheating me. He'd just walked out after a fight a fortnight ago and hadn't shown his face or answered his phone since. I wasn't going to try very hard to find him, since as soon as that door had slammed closed and left me by myself, I'd felt a little lighter. Maybe it was time to move on from him, I didn't know, but right now I just tried not to think about it too much, and I certainly didn't talk about it at all.

Then I felt a brush of fur against my ankles and snapped out of my thoughts, looking down to see that Benji had emerged from wherever he'd been sleeping all afternoon. I patted my lap and he jumped up, lifting his front paws to my chest to nuzzle his face against my cheek. Smiling, I rubbed his head, sinking back into my own head for a moment.

I should be happy. I'd just released the biggest album of my career so far just a few weeks ago. Midnights had soared for the stars and landed even higher, and I was on top of the world. I was already thinking about my next album; the tentatively named 'The Tortured Poets Department'. At the moment it was nothing more than a few snippets from a few songs, but it held promise. But I wasn't happy. I was stressed trying to keep up a good reputation, stressed about my relationship that I wasn't even sure existed anymore, and stressed about keeping myself safe. I only hoped it would get better when this bodyguard entered the picture, and maybe I could start to stress a little less.

"It'll be okay right?" I murmured to the cat in my lap. Benji looked up at me and I sighed. "Yeah." I rubbed his head. "Okay, I'm hungry so you need to get up now." He meowed at me in protest but jumped down as I got up, going off to search for his food bowl.

I started to make dinner, warmth filling the kitchen as I turned on the oven. It was easy to lose myself in the motions of cooking, and I felt a little bit better about my whole situation as I moved around the kitchen. When I was almost finished, I heard a knock from my front door and straightened up, making a face at Benji. Well, here went nothing.

Wiping my hands on my old jeans, I walked through the living room and down the hallway to the door. Reaching up, I undid the lock and then pulled the door open, the crisp November air hitting me out of nowhere as it swirled inside. I shivered, looking up at the man who was standing on the steps.

Jesus Christ, he was tall. I swallowed as my eyes travelled up the muscled build of my new bodyguard, up to the pale green eyes that met mine. His dark brown hair was short, stubble creeping down over his jaw, not quite long enough to be called a beard. I immediately felt intimidated by his silent power, and I rose up a little, lifted my chin to seem slightly taller.

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