three - taylor

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"So how's the new bodyguard working out?" Selena asked as we sat at a high table, at a bar Travis had approved.

"He's an ass." I grumbled. "Thinks I need to be under lock and key, nothing's safe enough for him."

"That him?" She motioned, and I glanced over to see Travis sitting down at a lower table in the corner, watching the bar. Turning back to my friend. I nodded. "Damn." Selena giggled. "He's hot." I wrinkled my nose at her. "What?" She raised her hands. "It's true, you have to admit it."

"Our contract states we are not to have any unprofessional or sexual relations." I told her, picking up my drink and taking a big sip. 

"What about unprofessional and sexual thoughts, because yum." Selena sighed, still gazing at my asshole of a bodyguard. "I'd let him keep me safe." I smacked her arm. "Come on Taylor, at least admit he's attractive." She pestered.

"Okay, he's not bad to look at." I rolled my eyes. "We done now?"

Selena giggled, allowing me to steer the conversation to a lighter topic that didn't involve how hot Travis Kelce was. It didn't matter if he was hot; he was a dick and I already didn't like him. But the fact that I didn't like him wasn't something I could get him out for, because Tree employed him, not me. She cared about if I was safe, not if I got along with the guy or not. It had been less than a day and I was sick of him, but I knew I had to put up with it, and so I would. 

We went through a few drinks as we caught up, Selena telling me all about what she'd been doing, me telling her what I'd been up to. Even though we'd only seen each other a few weeks ago, we could talk for hours and we didn't run out of conversation as time ticked by. It was so much fun hanging out with her again, and for once I forgot all about my relationship problems and stress. 

"Thank you." I smiled at the waitress who took away our empty glasses. "Can we do another round?"

"Umm, actually sorry, we've been told not to serve you anymore rounds." She said awkwardly, and Selena and I exchanged a look and a shrug.

"By who?" I asked, and sighed when she motioned in Travis' direction. "I see. Thank you."

"Party pooper huh?" Selena made a face as the waitress left and I nodded. "He's just looking out for you, don't be so hard on him."

"Oh you're just saying that because you think he's hot." I grumbled.

"Totally." She wiggled her fingers at my bodyguard and I smacked her hand down. "That's okay, I gotta run anyway. Early thing tomorrow."

I nodded, and we got up from the table. I'd already given the bar my card since it was my turn to shout drinks, and Selena kissed me on the cheek before promising to catch up soon. Watching her go, I sighed and walked up to the bar. They handed me my card back, told me to have a good night, and thanked me for coming. I just nodded, dreading what I would face when I turned around. The time had gone so fast and I wasn't ready to go home where it would feel so empty even though I wouldn't be alone. 

Travis was watching me where he sat and I huffed to myself as I stalked over and sat down across from him. It pissed me off how neutral his expression was, how he never said anything that wasn't relevant. He was like a damn robot.

"Got a problem with me trying to have fun?" I asked after a long moment.

"You exceeded the amount of drinks you should be having in the time you've spent, so I cut you off." Travis said simply. "You're already tipsy, and you don't need to get drunk."

"I am not." I insisted. 

"You are Miss Swift." He told me matter-of-factly. "You're not walking straight, your words are slightly slurred, and I know you don't want cameras picking up on it." I huffed but didn't have a comeback even though I was still pissed at him. "Are we going back to your apartment now?" Travis asked.

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