seventeen - taylor

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The story about my stunt with the hickey spread like wildfire, and it only blew up even more because of how I'd snubbed Jake multiple times. Paps were all over me wherever I went, and I made no effort to properly hide Travis' hickey for the few days before it faded. I liked knowing the mark of his mouth was on full display, and no one knew it was Travis who had put it there.

There were a few people who were adamant Travis and I were secretly dating each other, but neither of us so much as blinked towards those rumors. Tree would have my head if she thought they were true, but she'd expected those rumors so she didn't ask if there was any truth behind them. It was easy to hide since Travis and I lived together, and almost every night we locked the door, shut the curtains, and fucked on pretty much every surface of my house.

And after a few months, it turned a hell of a lot hotter.

I shrugged out of my jacket when I got back from the gym one evening, kicking off my shoes and letting out a sigh as I let my hair down. Now wearing nothing but my tight shorts and sports bra, I walked down to the kitchen and got a glass of water as I leaned against the bench, checking my phone. Then I heard footsteps and glanced up.

"How was the gym?" Travis asked as he came in, and I shrugged.

"Fine." I sighed, putting my phone away. Travis didn't slow down, and I had to quickly put my glass down when his hands slipped around my waist. "Jeez, someone wants to fuck." I giggled as he dragged his hands up under my bra, yanking it. Ducking my head, I let him pull it over my head, and Travis dropped it on the ground before shifting closer.

I frowned, confused as he pulled something out of his pocket, reaching behind me. Then he was yanking my arms behind my back and I went red when I felt metal closing around my wrists. Handcuffs. My chest heaved with anticipation as Travis secured them almost too tightly, pressing his lips gently to the warm skin at my neck as he let go of my arms. I tugged gently, testing them, biting down on a smile.

"You weren't going to ask first?" I murmured.

"No, I knew you'd say yes." Travis replied, and I smiled wider, because he was right. Then he grabbed my hips, turning me around and bending me forwards over my kitchen island. Unable to move my arms to hold myself up, I was forced to let him press me against the cold marble with no support. I shouldn't have been surprised Travis had jumped me so soon after I got home; he loved it when I was all hot and sweaty from the gym. For whatever reason, it was hot as hell.

I let out a gasp as my breasts pressed up against the chilly marble, the cold cutting into my nipples, making them ache. Travis tugged my shorts down as I sucked in a breath, trembling with anticipation as they dropped around my ankles. I'd never thought I was the type of girl to want to be used like this, but with Travis, it was fucking hot. Sex had never been as electric and passionate that it was with him.

"Your pussy is so wet baby girl." Travis murmured, sliding a hand between my legs, rubbing my clit through my underwear. I whimpered, turning my head to press my cheek against the marble counter.

"You can't say shit, you've always got a boner." I countered, my words slightly mumbled as I panted. Travis chuckled, and I moaned as I felt him press up against my ass. Reaching my hands back, I brushed my fingers against his shorts, searching until I felt his cock straining through the fabric.

Travis groaned as I worked, concentrating as I managed to tug the button open, working the zip down. He shoved his fingers into my underwear, plunging three inside me. I cried out at the sudden intrusion, trembling. That made it harder, but I managed to drag down Travis' boxers just enough. His cock sprang out into my hands and I moaned as I wrapped a hand around his thick length and stroked gently. Travis let out a huff as I swiped my thumb over his tip, trying to manage a decent hand job with my hands cuffed behind my back. But Travis seemed to like it, so I didn't think I was doing too bad.

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