thirty three - travis

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Three months later

"Travis!" A whimpered voice nudged at my consciousness, and something shook my arm. "Travis?"

"Mhm?" I yawned, opening my eyes to see Taylor lying on her side next to me, the lamp on, her blue eyes bright and wide with worry. "Hey baby girl, what's up?" I was immediately alerted, wide awake. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Taylor nodded, placing a hand on my cheek. "But I think my water just broke."

I looked at her for a long moment, my brain not processing what she'd just said. Then my eyes widened and I stared down at her stomach for a moment before looking up at her. Taylor nodded, biting down on a huge smile as she gazed up at me. I laughed, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh my baby girl." I whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Okay. Can you feel anything else?"

"Mhmm." Taylor nodded when I pulled back to look at her. "He feels lower, like he's dropped down to get ready to be born how Faith said he would." Faith - as well as being a maternity nurse - was a midwife, so she was going to take Taylor through a home birth. Taylor hadn't wanted to go to a hospital, had wanted to have the baby at home where she felt comfortable.

"Alright, I'll let Faith know but you should try and go back to sleep." I told Taylor, who nodded. "You should get as much rest as possible before you can't sleep any more. I'll also text Jason and tell him so that he can come and get Izzy when we're too busy to keep an eye on her."

"Thank you my love." Taylor kissed me lightly, smiling at me as I got out of bed.

It was four in the morning so I wasn't expecting a reply, but I texted Faith and then texted Jason to set things up. Then I packed together some of Izzy's things so that they'd be ready to go whenever Jason came to get her, and checked on my little girl as well. She was fast asleep, and I smiled to myself as I closed the door and went back to mine and Taylor's bedroom.

Taylor was asleep again when I walked in and I turned off the lamp, wanting her to get as much rest as she could before her contractions kicked in and she couldn't anymore. I got back into bed and tried to go back to sleep as well, but it was hard. Knowing that our baby boy was now on the way had me almost wide awake, so I just rested my eyes as I lay there. I eventually dropped off to sleep, and I woke just after eight in the morning to find Taylor gone from beside me.

Quickly getting up, I left our bedroom and went down to the kitchen, where I found Taylor with Izzy on her hip, both of them giggling to each other as Taylor cooked eggs. Izzy spotted me first and babbled out to me, reaching her arms over. I smiled, taking my little girl and kissing both of her cheeks before doing the same to Taylor. She blushed, moving to kiss my lips lightly.

"How do you feel baby girl?" I asked.

"I've had a few little contractions but they're really far apart and barely anything at all." Taylor shrugged. "This is my first, so it'll probably take a while like Faith said." I nodded. We'd expected Taylor's labor to take a long time, and we'd planned for that. "But we ran out of pickles." Taylor said timidly, peeking up at me. I laughed.

"I'll go get you some." I tapped her nose and she smiled playfully. "Anything else you think you'll want?"

"Umm...maybe some Powerade's so I don't get dehydrated." She said, and I nodded. "Animal crackers. And blueberry yogurt."

"Yes ma'am." I murmured, and her cheeks went deliciously pink. "Back soon." I told her, planting another kiss on her lips before passing Izzy back.

Quickly getting changed, I drove to the supermarket and got everything Taylor had asked for. Faith had texted back, asking to keep her updated and to tell her when Taylor's contractions stated getting regular. Jason had also texted back, telling me to just say the word and he'd be over.

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