twenty one - taylor

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I listened with my hands twisted together in my lap as Joe's friends and family got up and talked about how great of a guy he was, how much he'd changed, how much the assault had just been a one off. It hurt to know that these people who had once called me part of the family were now standing up for the guy who had beaten me into the hospital. The worst thing was, I wasn't even surprised.

"Miss Swift." The judge looked at me, and I nodded as I got to my feet, digging the folder out of my purse that I'd assembled right after getting the letter about the hearing.

An officer escorted me up to the stand and I placed the folder in front of me, taking in a deep breath before I opened it. Travis' letter sat right on top but I shifted that to the back, deciding to read it last. First, I took out the medical records of my injuries and then looked up at the judge.

"The night before Joe was arrested, I was admitted to hospital with these injuries." I said, handing the records up to the judge. "He claimed that I had tripped into glass, when in fact he had physically assaulted me because of a false tabloid where I had my hand touching another man."

"Is this the first time you had been admitted to hospital because of Mr Alwyn's actions?" The judge asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "There were other occurrences I sustained injuries, but I treated those myself at home."

"That's not true!" Joe's brother accused, standing up. "He never would have done that!"

"Quiet." The judge directed a look at Joe's brother. "You have had your turn to speak and Miss Swift is making her statement now." With a huff, Joe's brother sat down and glared at me as he folded his arms. "Miss Swift, you may continue."

"I was in a relationship with Joe for almost seven years." I said. "In that time I was physically and mentally assaulted multiple times, and manipulated into thinking that it was normal. I don't believe that Joe should be granted parole because I have worries that I will be his target again, or that another woman will have to experience what I went through. It has taken me a long time to work through the mental and emotional impacts that his actions have had on me, and I still struggle with them and know I will continue to struggle with them for a long time." Reaching for the folder, I took out Travis' letter and flattened it out in front of me. "I have a written submission from my bodyguard at the time."

"Please." The judge motioned for me to read it, so I looked down and started to speak what Travis had written.

"My name is Travis Kelce, and I was assigned as a live-in bodyguard to provide security for Taylor from the last November until recently. Throughout the time Joe was home, I witnessed him emotionally and mentally abusing Taylor, forcing her to starve herself, and controlling what she did and where she went. He would then cover these actions with affection to manipulate Taylor into thinking that it was all done because of love. I watched the effects of this abuse drain the life from a woman I saw light back up once it had stopped. Joe Alwyn is an abuser and plays with the minds of the people he seeks to manipulate. He physically assaulted Taylor badly enough she ended up in hospital, and there is video recorded evidence that he was not sorry for his actions. He should not be granted parole because the implications he has on the lives of anyone are truly horrible and I believe he is not capable of change. He turned a loving, gentle woman into someone who didn't know who she was, who believed she was worth nothing. Take that into consideration."

With that, I placed the letter down, my eyes full of tears. God I wished Travis was here so I could throw myself into his arms and hug him tightly and sob how much that meant to me. He'd defend me even if no one else would. Swallowing my tears, I folded the letter.

"Is that all Miss Swift?"

"Yes." I whispered.

Keeping my head down, I returned to my seat and put the folder back into my purse. I didn't dare look across at Joe's family and friends, knowing they must hate me, but they didn't know what I knew about him. He'd come back for me if he got out, and I wasn't ready to handle that. I'd moved on, but I would always be scared.

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